Couple of questions as I move forward in my innkeepers journey...

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I don't like this at all ... and you know what? Are you posting messages using the inn computer because if you are then I am sure they are now on forum.
Helloooo out there inn owners, what you are doing is wrong, wrong, wrong. Security cameras? Fine. But UP FRONT employees are told about such cameras, not after the fact. I've worked in many many places as have and do friends and family with security cameras ... and this is the standard. People are TOLD they are there beforehand. Where are the cameras? Are you invading someone's personal privacy with your cameras? Are there lots of CASH transactions, I got so few I never had enough change to make for a guest when it happened ... just what the heck are you monitoring?
As for having your employee sleep in a dark windowless basement as a 'favor' ... is it safe? Can they get out quickly in case of fire? You DO know the laws about using any space for a bedroom, right?
Inntropical, Right Now, I'd put a bandaid over the built in webcam 'eye' on any computer, tablet, etc you're using because this makes me think for sure you're being watched via the inn computer(s) and I hope you find another position very soon. I would not / could not work in such an environment. I urge you to get another position asap.
My paranoia alarm would be screeching.
Best of luck to you inntropical.
I don't like this at all ... and you know what? Are you posting messages using the inn computer because if you are then I am sure they are now on forum.
Helloooo out there inn owners, what you are doing is wrong, wrong, wrong. Security cameras? Fine. But UP FRONT employees are told about such cameras, not after the fact. I've worked in many many places as have and do friends and family with security cameras ... and this is the standard. People are TOLD they are there beforehand. Where are the cameras? Are you invading someone's personal privacy with your cameras? Are there lots of CASH transactions, I got so few I never had enough change to make for a guest when it happened ... just what the heck are you monitoring?
As for having your employee sleep in a dark windowless basement as a 'favor' ... is it safe? Can they get out quickly in case of fire? You DO know the laws about using any space for a bedroom, right?
Inntropical, Right Now, I'd put a bandaid over the built in webcam 'eye' on any computer, tablet, etc you're using because this makes me think for sure you're being watched via the inn computer(s) and I hope you find another position very soon. I would not / could not work in such an environment. I urge you to get another position asap.
My paranoia alarm would be screeching.
Best of luck to you inntropical..
having a couple cameras is not a big deal, as long as in common areas. Cash is not the only thing. Employee theft includes stealing checks, and stealing credit information from customer cards. Knowing they are watched is proven to dramatically reduce theft and shrinkage.
But going 1984 (Big Brother is watching) on the staff ruins morale. It is how you use the information that is damaging.
Undersea, it's a huge deal to me.
JimBoone, I totally disagree.
You hire me to run your inn, I even sleep there, I don't expect cameras trained on me. I expect you to trust me. You want one at the place where payments are logged? Go ahead. You want them on the doors for your piece of mind? Fine.
Are we talking b&b/inn or huge hotel? Even in a big place, if there's a question you log in and see who has done what ... it's very easy to track employee logins and card lifting. Stealing checks? A proper accounting system with one person taking payments and another checking receipts against deposits should prevent this. What kind of losses are we talking about? Something's amiss, we have a discussion.
I ran the cards, just me. Unless I had an innsitter.
Occasional items went off in occupants' suitcases and you can't monitor guest rooms with cameras. That is another discussion for another day.
You're always talking about all the businesses you've owned and run so I will say this ... I've run lots of offices and businesses also and never had an issue that warranted such supervision. What are the owners doing all day? Watching the cameras? Not for me ... no way. This poster asked and so I still say ... Wouldn't want to work this way, wouldn't want to run a business this way. It's not Tar get or Wal mart or Mo tel6
I suggest these owners should be living on site.
Undersea, it's a huge deal to me.
JimBoone, I totally disagree.
You hire me to run your inn, I even sleep there, I don't expect cameras trained on me. I expect you to trust me. You want one at the place where payments are logged? Go ahead. You want them on the doors for your piece of mind? Fine.
Are we talking b&b/inn or huge hotel? Even in a big place, if there's a question you log in and see who has done what ... it's very easy to track employee logins and card lifting. Stealing checks? A proper accounting system with one person taking payments and another checking receipts against deposits should prevent this. What kind of losses are we talking about? Something's amiss, we have a discussion.
I ran the cards, just me. Unless I had an innsitter.
Occasional items went off in occupants' suitcases and you can't monitor guest rooms with cameras. That is another discussion for another day.
You're always talking about all the businesses you've owned and run so I will say this ... I've run lots of offices and businesses also and never had an issue that warranted such supervision. What are the owners doing all day? Watching the cameras? Not for me ... no way. This poster asked and so I still say ... Wouldn't want to work this way, wouldn't want to run a business this way. It's not Tar get or Wal mart or Mo tel6
I suggest these owners should be living on site..
the amount of time they must waste sitting watching the camera's they might as well be!
My camera which covers the car park is worth its weight in gold as I can make sure they are parking properly before they get the engine stopped - one covers the front door and one the hallway to the breakfast room so I can see them coming while doing some paperwork.
You all have been so wonderful and supportive. Here I am in a tropical paradise and I have a sneaky feeling Morticia was right. Referring to Morticia saying they probably know you are writing about them....I could be wrong, but decided to just be calm. No, I don't write on inn computer, actually never use that computer for personal use. But something seems a little odd. Cameras gone inside but we're still being viewed.
Anyhow, Happy Labor Day weekend to all! We're straight out, but I do hope we all get a breather, and you all can put your feet up wherever and whenever you can!
You all have been so wonderful and supportive. Here I am in a tropical paradise and I have a sneaky feeling Morticia was right. Referring to Morticia saying they probably know you are writing about them....I could be wrong, but decided to just be calm. No, I don't write on inn computer, actually never use that computer for personal use. But something seems a little odd. Cameras gone inside but we're still being viewed.
Anyhow, Happy Labor Day weekend to all! We're straight out, but I do hope we all get a breather, and you all can put your feet up wherever and whenever you can!
inntropical said:
You all have been so wonderful and supportive. Here I am in a tropical paradise and I have a sneaky feeling Morticia was right. Referring to Morticia saying they probably know you are writing about them....I could be wrong, but decided to just be calm. No, I don't write on inn computer, actually never use that computer for personal use. But something seems a little odd. Cameras gone inside but we're still being viewed.
Anyhow, Happy Labor Day weekend to all! We're straight out, but I do hope we all get a breather, and you all can put your feet up wherever and whenever you can!
So now they have changed were the cameras are or the type of cameras? At least they now know you question why they felt the need.

Each day is one step closer to being away from there. You will find another job. Keep your eyes peeled and the right one will appear! Good luck.

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