As stated - you should first determine what type of clientele you want to attract...and does that match your location - i.e. if it is FQ New Orleans, I would say no children, but only if FQ - as N.O. has wonderful things for children as well, just not FQ.
There are pros and cons for limiting or allowing any sector...
When I saw this thread it reminded me of a restaurant that has been in the news lately - one of the articles
here where they just state Screaming and misbehaving children will be asked to leave... one news interview with the owner states that all her patrons should be able to eat in peace...and all well behaved (disciplined) children were always welcome. Several news polls were highly in favor of the rest. - I can not tell you how many times my DH has told a hostess "2 for the non screaming children's section, please" !!!
And I can not resist not posting this quote from the article:
"....who is a mom of two. "You can't help it if your kids scream." "