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Are you buying an existing B&B? You need to get the numbers from them..
I am currently looking at residential property to convert to a B&B. Thats what makes it difficult to aquire occupancy rates. Other information I can glean from other B &B websites, such as room rates etc.Any figures this forum can provide would help greatly. I never imagined this task would be so complicated and take so long, but I want to be able to present a professional business plan.
BEFORE you go any further...better check with local zoning to see if you are ALLOWED to do this..or if it will be ok to obtain special use permit. Don't do anything until you know that for SURE!!!!
If the property is residental, does it HAVE to be zoned commercial to have a B&B? That is what they are wanting to do for us. Why would they want to do that? Then when ,(lets say I sell) does that mean McDonalds could move in? If this is so I wouldn't want McDonalds for my neighbor. Any thoughts please!

It really depends on the restrictions/limitations of the two terms for your precise area.
For our region and town, a B&B does not need to be zoned commercial....for another town in the same region, it does. In some cases the fire codes define a B&B as a residential home so that can be a help, but there is nothing that says fire codes have to align with zoning language. Each situation is different, which is why the mantra on this forum is to check it out specifically for your location, get it all cleared (in writing) before you commit any money or sign anything.