Your State office of tourism may have certain regulations in order to be placed in your state Welcome centers. If you plan to provide them to the centers (IMVHO is a must do) then you should check with them 1st.
Our state requires rates to be listed. As Gillumhouse pointed out this could cause brochures to become outdated so what we did was place 'starting at $X." Some of the others placed a price range.
Other than Pictures which is what catches the eye, we also found that the quality of the paper is very important. You do not want to spend good money on a brochure that bends over or goes limp in the stand. Good quality card stock - a must..
I was surprised to dscover on the previous forum that State Tourism Welcome Center rules differ. It was pointed out there that at least one State requires a payment to display brochures at EACH Welcome Center - in MY State they do it for free (at all Centers) and the Welcome Centers are begging for brochures and rack cards from B & Bs.
Suggestion for States that require payment - ask them what they are going to display if no one can afford to pay. I know that will never happen but it is a thought...
I'm still not 100% sure, but I think a 'mea culpa' is in order here from me. I'm the one who said I pay to be in the state welcome centers. However, what I thought were welcome centers operated by the state, apparently are not. This is one I doubt I will ever get straight as the state tourism group and this other group have names so similar I am always forgetting who I pay.
I tried to get it straightened out last year (in my head) and I'm still confused.
So, to sort of set the record straight- when I submit info directly the state (.gov) I don't pay. When I have my brochures in the apparenlty not-state run centers, I do pay.
Tweren't you. I do not want to name the State, but a regular here said it was $250 per Welcome Center to have her brochures there.
There are brochure rack filling companies here also that go to places and keep the racks filled with client materials for a fee. And if you put your stuff in a White Star rack (in an empty slot) your materials will quickly find the garbage can.
It VA, it costs $750 to put your brochures in all the Welcome Centers. And they are very strict as to what you can display. They have more than they can put obviously people pay it.
That's why we don't have ours in the Welcome Centers. BUT....the VA Conference and Visitor Centers let us put them in for free. They are the same folks who have the great website that promotes travel in VA and gives us free space on their website.
Do you mean They are the same who run the Welcome Centers...well sort of...a branch of it anyway.
What is the website of the VAConference and Visitors Center??? I am not sure I know them.
Yes, the people. They just sent me an email that they want me to go to Fredericksburg to do a blitz at the welcome center for the tour business. They are letting us put our rack cards in the center near Monticello and not charging us. I first contacted them when we opened to try and see about getting them in there and they told me I had to pay but not any more. They asked me at one of the monthly meetings we try to go to if I would drop some off and we've been doing so ever since.
They are very helpful but don't understand how small I am. I work at uva, and Chris and I do the B&B and wine tours by ourselves and we just don't have the time for even one of us to go up there and promote. Right now is the busy season. We could do it in the winter time.
They just came here and did a day long thing where I was able to go and talk with all of the departments. They told me one important thing - that all of us should check the leads for the group/convention sales.
They told me to "stay alive" the big boys that used to just handle the big groups are now even handling bookings for two to keep in business so they are all looking for services and accommodations that are small as well as large.