Booked our first wedding!

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2014
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This weekend we signed the contract and received that all important non-refundable deposit for our first wedding here at the B&B! Not until August but that will be here soon enough.
Our contract states we offer country weddings Texas style and that our goal is to provide an interesting yet popularly priced venue for the bride and groom desiring a rustic setting for their big event.
I feel that with people re-marrying all the time and with same-sex marriages coming on strong (although not yet here in Texas but soon, I bet), there's a growing need for non-traditional wedding venues at reasonable prices.
I announced it on our FaceBook page and that post has gotten us lots of new lookers and several new Likers as word gets around.
I'm holding my breath until after the wedding!
Congratulations, and good luck! We currently have two weddings on the books for 2015, one over Memorial Day weekend, the second in September...
Congratulations. You are right to bet on the market growing. There will be more.
Wonderful! Well done its a great market.
Sounds right up my alley, we eloped actually on a tropical island. (It was my 2nd wedding). I agree not everyone wants the church, formal traditional reception etc.
We only offer accommodation for weddings, as we don't want to upset our lucrative accommodation for weddings niche there are several nearby and they recommend us. I let an older bride once hold the wedding here but an originally small wedding became bigger than Ben Hur. The bride and groom now come back annually which is sweet.
A main clinch line for me is the photo opportunities on our farm, we are happy to help too bringing up animals for the various shots. ( Hasn't happened yet but
I sure hope they never put the bouquet under my horses nose lol.....)
I have one scheduled for this month just before Valentines Day. I told them it will be colder than an icebox so dress appropriately - no way to heat a 2-story log house built circa 1778 in Feb. This will be the afternoon of the day I have a 25th anniversary breakfast and somewhere between breakfast and 4 PM have to get Himself over to the local hospital for pre-op tests, Feast or famine, I will take feast. It always works out.
Thanks, everybody! And I hope the tests and operation go well, Gillumhouse!
Wow!! It’s nice dear!! I am also looking for affordable Chicago Wedding Venues for my sister’s wedding. She is planning to have a non-traditional wedding venue. Can you provide the listing for famous non-traditional wedding venues in Chicago?