Bloody Glitter

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Well-known member
May 22, 2010
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That describes what I found when I went to clean today after guests left. It's not prom season. It's not graduation time. So, you've probably guessed it. People in town for a wedding.
First I found the blood all over the pillowcase, then I realized it was a bloody towel spread over the pillowcase. A LOT of blood. And several spots on the pillowcase too. I'm guessing someone fell and hit their head at the wedding reception, then in the night saw they were bleeding on the pillow so put the towel over it and bled on that.
And everywhere I look in the place I can see sparkles of glitter. Luckily there aren't carpet and rugs in there. I vacuumed and vacuumed and can still find sparkles if I look a little.
My magic cleaner took all the blood out (Chlorox Clean-Up Cleaner+Bleach). I only use white sheets and towels just so I can use stuff like this when I have to.
Now I'm afraid they won't come back again because they think they ruined my pillowcase and towel. There's always a dark cloud behind those silver linings!
I am so sorry. At least we only made you look up....
And let you know that was all BEFORE you went nuts looking for more
Had a bloody pillow case once. Why don't people tell us this stuff? They could even rinse it out for me and it wouldn't hurt my feelings!
My mother won't go back to a place where she had a bloody nose in the middle of the night. And she told them. Still won't go back there. Too embarrassed.
You'll find those sparkles forever.
We're still finding cereal in a chair from 4 years ago. That chair was turned over, vacuumed, moved to 2 other rooms. I still find cereal on the floor every once in awhile.
Yes, they could have put it in water to at least keep it from drying. It would have been easier to clean if it hadn't already dried.
They could also have left $10 or $20 to cover the damages. Didn't leave a penny, or a note or anything. Just left.
ewww ... bloody nose? someone on blood thinners that makes a little cut bleed and bleed forever? could the glitter be glass? i supposed you'd know if it was. they should have told you since they actually stuck around and didn't disappear in the night. i had a woman with a little mishap who ran out and bought a mattress pad and sheets for me and it wasn't a big deal at all. people are all so different!
i had guests (middle aged man and woman) who never came down to breakfast in the morning, i finally went to their room and they had left. who knows when? key on the desk and blood on the pillow. not a few drops, major splotches. bloody nose i thought. then blood at the foot of the bed between the sheets. blood over by the window. everywhere i looked i thought i was seeing little spots. thought i was going nuts. i could have used one of those detector kits that makes blood glow. the chambermaid walked in to make the bed and said there was some on the bathroom ceiling. what!? false alarm, squashed mosquito. haha.
i kept thinking i was going to hear about some kind of mayhem that happened ... missing person (one or the other). nothing. the other guests hadn't heard anything. i was so unnerved, i called the local sheriff. only took him 3 days to get back to me, he asked if he should come visit and could i show him the blood ... show him? we cleaned it up and went about our business. he told me to forget about it. but it was so bizarre.
i was so curious and felt so weird, i made up a story of finding a phone charger in their room (i had a shoebox full anyway) and got in touch to ask if it was theirs. nope .. not ours, thank you kindly. i still had crazy imaginings - wondering. i kept checking the news for the area they came from. nothing.
I seem to remember Silverspoon having an experience similar to seashanty's. A mystery woman and blood everywhere. Puts my own experience in perspective. It could have been much worse!!
The glitter was real glitter. Gold. Not tons of it, just a sparkle here, a sparkle there, all over the place!
Our Sugar Plum Tea is FULL of Glitter!! "Fairy dust" from the Sugar Plum Fairy! The children love it! BUT, I find myself cleaning it for months and months!!! just get the last of it cleaned up and its time to start planning for the next one! LOL! But its ok, the children and parents love it.
my neighbour had a run of bad luck (1) was hubby and wife came back VERY drunk from wedding, had row and he shoved her and she whacked her head on the banister in the hallway and bled on the carpet - then seeing the blood threw up on everything - priceless. Then instead of doing anything about it just went to bed leaving it to dry on, and the hall and stair carpet was about 3 month old - understandably she went bonkers! and you try and get a professional carpet cleaner out on a sunday!
(2) was couple had row - she threw his phone at him and it went straight through the window.
and there was a 3rd thing but i can't remember what that was.
I seem to remember Silverspoon having an experience similar to seashanty's. A mystery woman and blood everywhere. Puts my own experience in perspective. It could have been much worse!!
The glitter was real glitter. Gold. Not tons of it, just a sparkle here, a sparkle there, all over the place!.
Yes, and I never did find out exactly what happened. I kept my eyes out for reports of missing persons and DH looked around the property to make sure there were no freshly dug holes
, but nothing came of it.
Some people are just totally oblivious of common curtesy. Users.
Curse that glitter! I had a couple here for their honeymoon. They arrive their wedding night. Check-out the next day and they apologized for the glitter in the room. They said when they were walking out of the reception, the guests all threw glitter!
I sure hope that doesn't become a new tradition. I find that using a swiffer on the floors really helps. grrrrrrrrr
Arks said:
Now I'm afraid they won't come back again because they think they ruined my pillowcase and towel. There's always a dark cloud behind those silver linings!
How about a small note to them thanking them for their stay and saying that they shouldn't worry, everything came out in the wash, no harm, no foul.
Personally, I would have appreciated them just telling me, so that I can treat it, properly. But as long as you know it was wine or blood, it should come out in a cold wash with oxy.
better look in the mirror, arks. you may find glitter on YOU. i will notice a shimmer on my face or someone else's ... from christmas ornaments, from decorations, from cards ... it clings. :)
better look in the mirror, arks. you may find glitter on YOU. i will notice a shimmer on my face or someone else's ... from christmas ornaments, from decorations, from cards ... it clings. :).
seashanty said:
better look in the mirror, arks. you may find glitter on YOU. i will notice a shimmer on my face or someone else's ... from christmas ornaments, from decorations, from cards ... it clings. :)
sparkling glitter+arks = "sparks"