Review Program

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Thanks for the positive comments everyone. I think the big thing now is figuring out how to get the guests to really leave the reviews as a few folks have mentioned. We have put together a list of things that seem to work - I'd encourage folks to see if they are using this checklist...
1) Sending a follow-up email to guests after check-out with specific language in it and a link to your property page at Wording like "we'd greatly appreciate..." or "it would mean a lot to us and our business..." or something similar is a big help.
2) Print out the pdf's, leave them in the rooms, etc.
3) If you have a good relationship with a guest and are having any kind of a nice chat with them at checkout, politetly ask them to do a review and/or hand them one of our business reply cards. I've literally been sitting at the breakfast table or next to the office to listen to what happens when this is done at a few B&B's. You would be surprised how often you hear "sure, we'd love to, we always look for reviews now when we are looking for lodging..." the bonus drawing doesn't hurt either.
4) Put the BRC's in the room, or hand them out with every receipt
5) Link from your website to "leave a review..." We have a new product launching in two weeks that will make this a LOT easier for you to do... I'll post it here once live.
6) Put a footer onto every email you send that says "If you get a chance, please review your stay here..." with a link. This should be included in every marketing/promotion email/etc.
7) Have a guest PC always going wherever you can fit it - and the homepage is set to your review page. Nice benefit for anyone who wants to surf the web. PC's are so small and cheap now that you can get an all-in-one for $499... some laptops for even less. ( The screen saver is the marquee message that just tastefully says.. if you have a minute, please review your stay right here...
In terms of some of the ideas presented here...
Josh - I'm not sure exactly what you mean on the assigned number - could you be more specific? We are looking at a few ways to make this better - from customizing the PDF's you print (we are working on making a PDF for every property with your name and main photo on it...), but I'm not sure what you mean on the numbering.
On the 25% off... I would love to do something like that, but the one big rule on reviews is that you are not supposed to reward the guest. A drawing is one thing - it is not guaranteed - but a direct financial benefit seems to cross the line. We've tried to do a lot of research on what is fair/ethical and what might not be considered so. No problem on the upgrade - not sure why that didn't go through automatically but we can usually get stuff like that fixed pretty quick.
Also - I should be clear this is up to $5/month or $60 year... more reviews than that are great of course! But the credit is capped. I think this was clear but didn't want anyone to feel misled by this..
It is a prime example of how takes care of the B&B industry in a way the other directories do not: that they try to post reviews from their own site to Google. They don't have to do this and the benefits to the company are pretty indirect. But it's exceptionally helpful to us. However, I have noticed that since October our reviews on have not posted to Google. I am willing to bet this is Google's fault, and in no way can one envy'sfficulty in getting Google to do its job.
In my view, $5 a review is not nearly enough to post on if you can instead influence guests to post directly to Google. The value of the review on Google is far higher than $5.
Anyway, I have followed up with more research on reviews posted since October 1, 2008 on for a few properties counting the number of those reviews that made it to Google. I chose properties that have a lot of reviews so that the argument that "Google doesn't post short reviews" carries no weight.
Here are the results:
[/td] Reviews Since October 1, 2008[/td] [/tr] Property[/td] [td][/td] [td]Google[/td] [/tr] Briar Rose B&B, Boulder[/td] 14[/td] 0[/td] [/tr] Inn Above Onion Creek, Kyle TX[/td] 49[/td] 0[/td] [/tr] Old World Inn, Napa CA[/td] 19[/td] 0[/td] [/tr] Brickhouse Inn, Gettysburg, PA[/td] 28[/td] 0[/td] [/tr] Grace Manor Inn, Richmond VA[/td] 19[/td] 0[/td] [/tr] [/table]
Does ANYONE have a review from showing on Google with a date after October 1, 2008?
Yesterday, Google removed all but one of our reviews from our pre-October 2008 reviews. So now we have 25 reviews on, 1 of which is on google. It truly WAS nice.
Google giveth and google taketh <G>.
We're probably next...

Very strange... Let me get to the bottom of this. The last I checked only about a month ago, our feed was being done correctly. We did add some items to it, hopefully that didn't throw things off.
We now have content partnerships with our members showing up (or supposed to be showing up...) on Google, Uptake,,, Cheaptickets, iExplore, LA Times, in addition to Nextag, Kayak, Sidestep, Expedia, in some fashion (generally bookable only). We had to make adjustments to the feed for some of the partners, but I'd be surprised if it affected Google.
In any case, they are pretty good about getting back to me. Will let you know what I find out.
Very strange... Let me get to the bottom of this. The last I checked only about a month ago, our feed was being done correctly. We did add some items to it, hopefully that didn't throw things off.
We now have content partnerships with our members showing up (or supposed to be showing up...) on Google, Uptake,,, Cheaptickets, iExplore, LA Times, in addition to Nextag, Kayak, Sidestep, Expedia, in some fashion (generally bookable only). We had to make adjustments to the feed for some of the partners, but I'd be surprised if it affected Google.
In any case, they are pretty good about getting back to me. Will let you know what I find out.
Now all of our Bed and breakfast reviews on google are gone, THANKS!
What would cause a guest review to go into the "un-posted" category on I noticed I have one dated Oct 2008 when I log into my home base it is in the un-posted area while I have all my others in the main review listing.
What would cause a guest review to go into the "un-posted" category on I noticed I have one dated Oct 2008 when I log into my home base it is in the un-posted area while I have all my others in the main review listing..
We do too, it's a five star review and they stuck it in unposted...Don't really care, since it was a one liner, clearly from a postcard.
I don't know, I know if you respond to it, it will automatically be posted (Supposedly), so you could try just saying thank you or something...
Now it looks like no one has bed and reviews on TA...

At least none of the Colorado inns I looked up, that are members.
I'm continuing to look into the Google issue. Google has gotten back to us and recognizes there is a problem somewhere. Our feed appears to be fine - so I'm waiting to see what else could possibly be going wrong.
As far as why a review might be unposted, either because the guest did not verify their email address, or it is waiting for proof of stay which we reserve the right to get from guests. If an innkeeper responds to an unposted review, it does not push it through to be posted. Chances are that it was a coincidence the guest happened to confirm their email address and we posted it, and it happened to coincide with the IK posting a response.
Will let you know about the Google problem asap,
Some light at the end of the tunnel...
I asked Google over a month ago about our December feed and was told it was loaded, there was no problem. I went back to them again late last week, and was told this initially:
>Hi John,
>As XXXX said, I confirmed that we are processing your feeds without an issue. In fact, I can pull one of your reviews by giving the following query at the Map; XXXXXXX Manor Inn....

After a few more back and forths pointing out that many, many reviews were not included, this was the response I got just a few minutes ago:
>I found that for some reason, we didn't seem to use your Nov. and Dec. feeds,
>I am investigating on this with our engineering team right now and will update you with my findings.
Anyway, I have confirmed that your feed we picked up on 2009-01-01 will be included in the next update.

So... this would explain a lot. I'll keep everyone posted. The good news is that they have recognized there is an issue. The bad news is that it can take 4-6 weeks for a feed to be put into an update... I'm guessing older reviews have dropped because they have not been refreshed. I.e. every time we send them a feed - it includes all reviews old and new alike.
Thanks for highlighting this, and plz don't be afraid to email me directly with questions or issues like this when they arise!
Maybe THIS is my goal for this year - to be able to innkeep without ANY alterior motives. I do not want to sell, I do not want to hunt or gather, I just want to serve our guests and let them enjoy their stay. I declare "2009 the year of simple innkeeping." (Keeping an eye on the trends of course)
I am not trying to being anti-marketing here, I guess this just wears me out.
As and others work harder and harder to get reviews going and all the other good things, I find myself just wanting to do my thing. I don't want those reviews on MY website, I only want content I TYPE IN and plaster on my website.
Am I wrong? Sorry John, I am not trying to be combative here.
I just don't want to chat up guests to get a review. The more I think of it the more I hate the idea.
Maybe THIS is my goal for this year - to be able to innkeep without ANY alterior motives. I do not want to sell, I do not want to hunt or gather, I just want to serve our guests and let them enjoy their stay. I declare "2009 the year of simple innkeeping." (Keeping an eye on the trends of course)
I am not trying to being anti-marketing here, I guess this just wears me out.
As and others work harder and harder to get reviews going and all the other good things, I find myself just wanting to do my thing. I don't want those reviews on MY website, I only want content I TYPE IN and plaster on my website.
Am I wrong? Sorry John, I am not trying to be combative here.
I just don't want to chat up guests to get a review. The more I think of it the more I hate the idea.
You know this as well as anyone here, potential guests want to see reviews. Reviews can rank right up there with good photos as far as things that help "seal the deal".
Unfortunately, reviews found on the property's website are often looked at with a skeptical eye, so sourcing them from a third party like TripAdvisor or can help lend some credibility. The difference being that with the TA feed you can't pick and choose the reviews, and with the new offering from you can.
Maybe THIS is my goal for this year - to be able to innkeep without ANY alterior motives. I do not want to sell, I do not want to hunt or gather, I just want to serve our guests and let them enjoy their stay. I declare "2009 the year of simple innkeeping." (Keeping an eye on the trends of course)
I am not trying to being anti-marketing here, I guess this just wears me out.
As and others work harder and harder to get reviews going and all the other good things, I find myself just wanting to do my thing. I don't want those reviews on MY website, I only want content I TYPE IN and plaster on my website.
Am I wrong? Sorry John, I am not trying to be combative here.
I just don't want to chat up guests to get a review. The more I think of it the more I hate the idea.
You know this as well as anyone here, potential guests want to see reviews. Reviews can rank right up there with good photos as far as things that help "seal the deal".
Unfortunately, reviews found on the property's website are often looked at with a skeptical eye, so sourcing them from a third party like TripAdvisor or can help lend some credibility. The difference being that with the TA feed you can't pick and choose the reviews, and with the new offering from you can.
Interesting thing has happened to me. When I Googled "my city bed and breakfasts", all the B&Bs here show up under the Google business listing but mine is the only one that no longer has my star rating and "x reviews, directions, and more". It just says, "directions and more". What is up with that????? When you click that of course you see that there are reviews there, but at first glance it looks like I have no reviews.

Maybe THIS is my goal for this year - to be able to innkeep without ANY alterior motives. I do not want to sell, I do not want to hunt or gather, I just want to serve our guests and let them enjoy their stay. I declare "2009 the year of simple innkeeping." (Keeping an eye on the trends of course)
I am not trying to being anti-marketing here, I guess this just wears me out.
As and others work harder and harder to get reviews going and all the other good things, I find myself just wanting to do my thing. I don't want those reviews on MY website, I only want content I TYPE IN and plaster on my website.
Am I wrong? Sorry John, I am not trying to be combative here.
I just don't want to chat up guests to get a review. The more I think of it the more I hate the idea.
You know this as well as anyone here, potential guests want to see reviews. Reviews can rank right up there with good photos as far as things that help "seal the deal".
Unfortunately, reviews found on the property's website are often looked at with a skeptical eye, so sourcing them from a third party like TripAdvisor or can help lend some credibility. The difference being that with the TA feed you can't pick and choose the reviews, and with the new offering from you can.
Interesting thing has happened to me. When I Googled "my city bed and breakfasts", all the B&Bs here show up under the Google business listing but mine is the only one that no longer has my star rating and "x reviews, directions, and more". It just says, "directions and more". What is up with that????? When you click that of course you see that there are reviews there, but at first glance it looks like I have no reviews.

Hi, Samster...
Google is processing through this change you reference on the local business results. Given all their computing power, their changes are unbelievably slow, as in super-slow-mo. Soon every result will be like yours.
Maybe THIS is my goal for this year - to be able to innkeep without ANY alterior motives. I do not want to sell, I do not want to hunt or gather, I just want to serve our guests and let them enjoy their stay. I declare "2009 the year of simple innkeeping." (Keeping an eye on the trends of course)
I am not trying to being anti-marketing here, I guess this just wears me out.
As and others work harder and harder to get reviews going and all the other good things, I find myself just wanting to do my thing. I don't want those reviews on MY website, I only want content I TYPE IN and plaster on my website.
Am I wrong? Sorry John, I am not trying to be combative here.
I just don't want to chat up guests to get a review. The more I think of it the more I hate the idea.
I don't think you are wrong at all. I understand it is more work to do this, and may be against your grain. All I can do is tell you that having consumer reviews will help traffic to your site, and get you more reservations. I'm pretty darn sure of that. Then I can make it as easy as possible for you, and as rewarding as possible - but ultimately it is a tradeoff and your decision. Do you want to go through some amount of headache to potentially get more reservations. For most inns, the answer is yes - but certainly not for all.
I feel like I hear a lot of feedback that innkeepers just don't feel comfortable asking for them. I can understand that as well. I think there are a couple things that have changed though in the last couple years.
1) Odds are the very consumers you are asking already read, or tried to find consumer reviews about your property. So this should not be a surprise to them to be asked. And if they read one or tried to, or if they have for other lodging - then odds are they don't mind being asked. If it is something they value in the first place, it should seem as no surprise to be asked. I've seen stats that say something like 80% of consumers look for them for every stay, and something like 2/3rds say they are more important than photos...
2) Reviews are everywhere right now. If you have anyone from a Doctor, electrician, plumber, dentist, lawyer, auto mechanic, restaurant or retail employee from virtually anyone out there, school teacher, university professor, electronics manufacturer, or any website - they ALL are being reviewed now. They are at least starting to understand the importance. Sites like Yelp, Citysearch, Angie's List, RateMD, or Amazon have reviews on everything under the sun. It is only a matter of time before the "word-of-mouth" system for any business or professional is online and highly utilized. Travel had the luxury of being on the front-end of this.
Oh thanks for reminding me John. You all will love this. I am on a catamaran snorkelling in the most beautiful reef. The Capt mon says "If you really enjoyed this PLEASE write us a review on Trip Advisor. if not, then please don't."
He said it in a way that was clever.
Okay and there you have it. From my last post on here I went directly to TA to write them a review and for the life of me could not find them there or a place to post a review for them. SO THAT IS THAT! No more stuffing around. Maybe they should have given me a CARD with the boat's name? Oh well... POINT TAKEN AYE.
You know I always confirm what you say, I fight it, but give in eventually.
Maybe THIS is my goal for this year - to be able to innkeep without ANY alterior motives. I do not want to sell, I do not want to hunt or gather, I just want to serve our guests and let them enjoy their stay. I declare "2009 the year of simple innkeeping." (Keeping an eye on the trends of course)
I am not trying to being anti-marketing here, I guess this just wears me out.
As and others work harder and harder to get reviews going and all the other good things, I find myself just wanting to do my thing. I don't want those reviews on MY website, I only want content I TYPE IN and plaster on my website.
Am I wrong? Sorry John, I am not trying to be combative here.
I just don't want to chat up guests to get a review. The more I think of it the more I hate the idea.
You know this as well as anyone here, potential guests want to see reviews. Reviews can rank right up there with good photos as far as things that help "seal the deal".
Unfortunately, reviews found on the property's website are often looked at with a skeptical eye, so sourcing them from a third party like TripAdvisor or can help lend some credibility. The difference being that with the TA feed you can't pick and choose the reviews, and with the new offering from you can.
Interesting thing has happened to me. When I Googled "my city bed and breakfasts", all the B&Bs here show up under the Google business listing but mine is the only one that no longer has my star rating and "x reviews, directions, and more". It just says, "directions and more". What is up with that????? When you click that of course you see that there are reviews there, but at first glance it looks like I have no reviews.

Hi, Samster...
Google is processing through this change you reference on the local business results. Given all their computing power, their changes are unbelievably slow, as in super-slow-mo. Soon every result will be like yours.
Oh, so you're saying that the part where it mentions reviews will be going away for everyone that pops up under Google business when you do a search?
LOL - Point taken aye!
This has nothing to do with this, but my 2.5yr old has somehow, somewhere, learned the phrase "A'hoy Mate." And somehow she learned it with an Australian accent. She is now frequently saying "Ahoy my-TEEE" Or just "my-TEEEE," as in, "time to brush your teeth... " "okay my-TEEE"
LOL - Point taken aye!
This has nothing to do with this, but my 2.5yr old has somehow, somewhere, learned the phrase "A'hoy Mate." And somehow she learned it with an Australian accent. She is now frequently saying "Ahoy my-TEEE" Or just "my-TEEEE," as in, "time to brush your teeth... " "okay my-TEEE".
Does she watch the Wiggles or Bindi the Jungle Girl?
LOL - Point taken aye!
This has nothing to do with this, but my 2.5yr old has somehow, somewhere, learned the phrase "A'hoy Mate." And somehow she learned it with an Australian accent. She is now frequently saying "Ahoy my-TEEE" Or just "my-TEEEE," as in, "time to brush your teeth... " "okay my-TEEE".
Does she watch the Wiggles or Bindi the Jungle Girl?
No, just Dora and Diego. I (unfortunately) have seen almost all of them myself. Perhaps the Pirate Piggies said this when I was out of the room and didn't catch it?
Well, Dora and Diego definately do not have an Australian accent! Maybe she's seen Sponge Bob??

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