Thanks for the positive comments everyone. I think the big thing now is figuring out how to get the guests to really leave the reviews as a few folks have mentioned. We have put together a list of things that seem to work - I'd encourage folks to see if they are using this checklist...
1) Sending a follow-up email to guests after check-out with specific language in it and a link to your property page at Wording like "we'd greatly appreciate..." or "it would mean a lot to us and our business..." or something similar is a big help.
2) Print out the pdf's, leave them in the rooms, etc.
3) If you have a good relationship with a guest and are having any kind of a nice chat with them at checkout, politetly ask them to do a review and/or hand them one of our business reply cards. I've literally been sitting at the breakfast table or next to the office to listen to what happens when this is done at a few B&B's. You would be surprised how often you hear "sure, we'd love to, we always look for reviews now when we are looking for lodging..." the bonus drawing doesn't hurt either.
4) Put the BRC's in the room, or hand them out with every receipt
5) Link from your website to "leave a review..." We have a new product launching in two weeks that will make this a LOT easier for you to do... I'll post it here once live.
6) Put a footer onto every email you send that says "If you get a chance, please review your stay here..." with a link. This should be included in every marketing/promotion email/etc.
7) Have a guest PC always going wherever you can fit it - and the homepage is set to your review page. Nice benefit for anyone who wants to surf the web. PC's are so small and cheap now that you can get an all-in-one for $499... some laptops for even less. ( The screen saver is the marquee message that just tastefully says.. if you have a minute, please review your stay right here...
In terms of some of the ideas presented here...
Josh - I'm not sure exactly what you mean on the assigned number - could you be more specific? We are looking at a few ways to make this better - from customizing the PDF's you print (we are working on making a PDF for every property with your name and main photo on it...), but I'm not sure what you mean on the numbering.
On the 25% off... I would love to do something like that, but the one big rule on reviews is that you are not supposed to reward the guest. A drawing is one thing - it is not guaranteed - but a direct financial benefit seems to cross the line. We've tried to do a lot of research on what is fair/ethical and what might not be considered so. No problem on the upgrade - not sure why that didn't go through automatically but we can usually get stuff like that fixed pretty quick.
Also - I should be clear this is up to $5/month or $60 year... more reviews than that are great of course! But the credit is capped. I think this was clear but didn't want anyone to feel misled by this..