Ballpoint ink from white pants ....

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The Tipsy Butler

Well-known member
May 30, 2008
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Does anybody have any ideas / success stories for getting ink out of a pair of white, washable trousers ????
My guests went to the laundrette and his pen ran all over her favourite pants. Unfortunately I think it's a lost cause but I thought I'd ask .... just in case.
Usually hairspray will work on a small ink stain...don't know about something that big :-(.
OOHHH - that's one I've never heard of. Honestly, I think it's bad enough that it can't get any worse so it's worth a try.
I've had hairspray work (used to happen a lot when I was teaching and always had pens in my pockets) It only works for some regular ink though....never seemed to work on the gel inks... WD-40 worked on those though.
Usually hairspray will work on a small ink stain...don't know about something that big :-(.
OOHHH - that's one I've never heard of. Honestly, I think it's bad enough that it can't get any worse so it's worth a try.
I've had hairspray work (used to happen a lot when I was teaching and always had pens in my pockets) It only works for some regular ink though....never seemed to work on the gel inks... WD-40 worked on those though.
Get an aerosol can of the cheap hair spray and spray it good, rub it in and then add the soap and rub it in. rinse and repeat if in is still there. Don't forget to check the washer and dryer for ink. It may be on the inside of your appliances too. But if it is, again spray with hair spray and rub off.
Hair spray also works on car gease (ever shut your coat tail in the car door?); and Marker and a host of other stuff!
Mix one part hydrogen peroxide and one part Dawn dishwashing liquid, and just dab the spot.
This works for wine stains. Don't know about ink.
Usually hairspray will work on a small ink stain...don't know about something that big :-(.
OOHHH - that's one I've never heard of. Honestly, I think it's bad enough that it can't get any worse so it's worth a try.
I've had hairspray work (used to happen a lot when I was teaching and always had pens in my pockets) It only works for some regular ink though....never seemed to work on the gel inks... WD-40 worked on those though.
Get an aerosol can of the cheap hair spray and spray it good, rub it in and then add the soap and rub it in. rinse and repeat if in is still there. Don't forget to check the washer and dryer for ink. It may be on the inside of your appliances too. But if it is, again spray with hair spray and rub off.
Hair spray also works on car gease (ever shut your coat tail in the car door?); and Marker and a host of other stuff!
Thanks for the reminder about the washing machine tub!!
hair spray and seltzer water..
You may think I'm nuts, but go to an automotive supply or Walmart to the automotive section and get a container of "Gojo" hand cleaner.
If you attack the stain with this BEFORE you wash it, you can sometimes get 100% of grease stains, ink etc out of clothes. I once got some car grease on a good pair of kaki slacks and DW was used Gojo on the stain. It mostly came out on the first try. Before she dried them, she gave them a second Gojo treatment and it came out completely.
Since we discovered this, I've been able to save a lot clothes headed for the trash. At best it will remove the ink. At worst you'll have a hand cleaner that will remove grease, paint etc. from your hands without caustic ingredients.
Try to get the kind without the pumice added.
Murphy's Oil Soap removed felt tip pen ink from clothes in the dryer - discovered by the clanking of the felt tip pen in the dryer as it turned. Used it to get the grease and oil out of my uniform shirts when I worked as a tire buseter at Sears too. EVen my kids would not be without Mother Murphy in the laundry room.

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