Thanks to all of you for your responses. Certainly, I feel that you have spoken honestly and have shed a little more light for me on the whole business.
Can I take this one step further and ask, considering the experience and knowledge that you have on living inside this business, what is it that keeps you there then?.
17 years in business and I'm selling. I'm not selling because I want out of the business (although there are times ...) but because we want to re-locate.
I stayed (sane) in this business because I always have thought of it as a
JOB, never a hobby! With that always in my mind I don't get upset about being
tied to the house and phone. If I was in an office or restaurant or whatever other job where someone else was employing me I'd be
tied to the job also.
When I get really tired I remind myself that I am working for me and nobody else.
I can look forward (in my case at least) to a lot of time off in the winter. I can hire innsitters so I can go away.
I deal with tourists who are 99.9% of the time happy and cheerful because they are on holiday. I get to have the world come to my door and how great is that!!
I have a built-in excuse to avoid invitations that I do not want to accept. LOL!!
My commute time is zero!
I can make my own rules (and the longer I'm in business the easier it is to make those rules and set my own hours.
I made sure that guests could never access my kitchen or private areas.
I did not try and raise a family while doing this. They were already raised and gone.
There are downsides of course but I don't know what job doesn't have downsides. I think the key to this as with anything in life is to go into it with the right attitude, with eyes wide open, with an open mind and with clear boundaries.
Okay, that's more than my 2 cents worth.