Anyone else have a love/hate relationship with October?

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Don Draper

Well-known member
Aug 10, 2008
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This is absolutely my favorite time of year, the weather and the leaves changing are beautiful, plus our wedding anniversary is this month. But at our Inn, October is the "winding down" point in our season. We will run 95% full this month and transition down into the 60% range for November, then down to very little for the winter. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel but being this busy it's just difficult to keep my smile at times, I find things really irking me that wouldn't even phase me in July.
Sometimes I think I just get jealous, seeing all these folks on vacation during this time! It's hard for us to get out and do anything and we need to stay this busy to build our cushion for the winter. I was just wondering if any others experience the same type of thing?
We definitely are and for the same reasons as you mention. We have a vacation booked in November, but no days without guests the entire month of October, with most days between 50% and 100% booked, and more walk-ins and people calling last minute than usual, especially bicyclists (the Inn was just mentioned in a Washingtonian mag article for bicycling day trips). I really can't wait for that 10-day break next month. In the meantime, I can't find time to get to the doctor's or to Trader Joe's for crushed ginger or even to the movies down the block on Monday night like we try to do.
Since it's been pretty busy since May, I just don't have the energy reserves I had at the start of the season. Plus you notice the days getting shorter - getting up in the dark saps my energy a little. You have to make hay while the sun shines in this business, though.
We definitely are and for the same reasons as you mention. We have a vacation booked in November, but no days without guests the entire month of October, with most days between 50% and 100% booked, and more walk-ins and people calling last minute than usual, especially bicyclists (the Inn was just mentioned in a Washingtonian mag article for bicycling day trips). I really can't wait for that 10-day break next month. In the meantime, I can't find time to get to the doctor's or to Trader Joe's for crushed ginger or even to the movies down the block on Monday night like we try to do.
Since it's been pretty busy since May, I just don't have the energy reserves I had at the start of the season. Plus you notice the days getting shorter - getting up in the dark saps my energy a little. You have to make hay while the sun shines in this business, though..
Yes, I definitely foget the other factor, getting up in the dark! Sunrise is almost 7:30 AM here now, and with the change in when we put the clocks back it will get worse before it gets better. That does make a big difference, I like when the sun wakes me up as opposed to my alarm clock.
Ok, heads up, keeping moving forward! November is just 18 days (and 18 breakfasts!) away.
Love the leaves, and we've had great temps.
Don't love the darkness creeping in.
Stress that we should have more reservations.
Stress when the reservations all come in at once, last minute
"You have to make hay while the sun shines in this business"
I love that...and here is mine for October:
Take two and butter 'em while they're hot!
I have had that love/hate every year since I finally started getting busy. the year of the inn-to-inn article in the Pittsburgh paper, I did not CARE how we would get through the winter! I did not want to see andother guest! - at least not on the package.
October is super busy for us this year too. We invited our guests to go to a dinner/movie about Stonewall Jackson that DH's Civil War group is having tonight - as our guests - so we can go. they are 2 rooms for 3 nights so great and they are looking forward to it also. Everyone is happy - especially DH! I have been getting a lot of mid-week business this year which is wonderful since there are more week days than weekends.
So my answer is, no you are not alone. Welcome to The Club! That is one of the services of this Forum. You can find out you are not alone in how you feel. Wee feel it too.
"You have to make hay while the sun shines in this business"
I love that...and here is mine for October:
Take two and butter 'em while they're hot!.
That's better for a B&B, anyway...
Make apple soup while the farmstands are open!
Make the beds while the guests are out!
Hell Yeah !!!!
You have just posted exactly how I feel, I couldn't have put it better .... it's even our anniversary this month too.
This week is THE WEEK I count down to all summer long. MY BREAK. This week is the first week I can justify taking the time to myself and I adore this time of year around here .... leaves, weather, people, fire-pits, smell of the ocean - for me - everything is perfect and I haven't yet started to panic about the upcoming winter months. I'm also very burned out by today (and I mean TODAY) because this has been the light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel day. Unfortunately / fortunately it hasn't happened this year. Our bookings this week are really good.
SO - the good news is that our season is extending and I'm hoping it reflects increased bookings in our "off season". The bad news is that, ironically, I'm going to have to work extra hard to try and make this week flawless for my guests as I'd let things like the ironing slide in my wind-down period. Realistically, once those guests walk through my door, everything sorta goes back to normal.
Hell Yeah !!!!
You have just posted exactly how I feel, I couldn't have put it better .... it's even our anniversary this month too.
This week is THE WEEK I count down to all summer long. MY BREAK. This week is the first week I can justify taking the time to myself and I adore this time of year around here .... leaves, weather, people, fire-pits, smell of the ocean - for me - everything is perfect and I haven't yet started to panic about the upcoming winter months. I'm also very burned out by today (and I mean TODAY) because this has been the light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel day. Unfortunately / fortunately it hasn't happened this year. Our bookings this week are really good.
SO - the good news is that our season is extending and I'm hoping it reflects increased bookings in our "off season". The bad news is that, ironically, I'm going to have to work extra hard to try and make this week flawless for my guests as I'd let things like the ironing slide in my wind-down period. Realistically, once those guests walk through my door, everything sorta goes back to normal..
Thank you (and Happy Anniversary!), and gillum and muirford too...I just needed to hear that someone is out here with me! It's just that "almost there" factor I guess, you can see it and almost taste the freedom. Just need to take a deep breath and swim these final lengths...
I"m sending out a little prayer that all these end of season days go by quickly, and are filled with lovely guests to make the time go even faster. (And I'm putting up a PITA shield!).
Hell Yeah !!!!
You have just posted exactly how I feel, I couldn't have put it better .... it's even our anniversary this month too.
This week is THE WEEK I count down to all summer long. MY BREAK. This week is the first week I can justify taking the time to myself and I adore this time of year around here .... leaves, weather, people, fire-pits, smell of the ocean - for me - everything is perfect and I haven't yet started to panic about the upcoming winter months. I'm also very burned out by today (and I mean TODAY) because this has been the light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel day. Unfortunately / fortunately it hasn't happened this year. Our bookings this week are really good.
SO - the good news is that our season is extending and I'm hoping it reflects increased bookings in our "off season". The bad news is that, ironically, I'm going to have to work extra hard to try and make this week flawless for my guests as I'd let things like the ironing slide in my wind-down period. Realistically, once those guests walk through my door, everything sorta goes back to normal..
Thank you (and Happy Anniversary!), and gillum and muirford too...I just needed to hear that someone is out here with me! It's just that "almost there" factor I guess, you can see it and almost taste the freedom. Just need to take a deep breath and swim these final lengths...
I"m sending out a little prayer that all these end of season days go by quickly, and are filled with lovely guests to make the time go even faster. (And I'm putting up a PITA shield!).
We are the opposite here. We are gearing up after Summer lull. People are finding our reviews and booking. YAY!
And here is the other feeling you will have after about 2 weeks of few or no guests - PANIC!! How are we going to make the bills for the winter???
That too is normal, but you somehow do get through. As Kojak always said, "Keep the faith, Baby!"
October for me is bittersweet. October is the month in which I get my annual long weekend off to attend the Columbus Day Regatta without guests onboard. :)
October, on the other hand, is still in the very active part of hurricane season :( but I'm getting ready for high tourist season which starts in late November/early December - something to look forward to assuming we get through the storm season OK. First guests are arriving the first week in December.
While many of the inns in the north are winding down for the winter, we're winding up down here! I do miss the changing of the leaves from when I used to live in Ohio, the crisp fall air, the fire pits, but as a whole, I wouldn't trade South Florida to go back because I know Old Man Winter is still alive and well up there! If I could pick and choose the seasons ... well then, I'd be a "snowbird."
yes, i actually do have a love/hate relationship with october.
but it's personal.
i've always loved the autumn leaves. the air. the temps.
my second child was born october 14.
but ... my first husband abandoned me and the kids in october. and my second husband passed away october 16.
so ... i have reasons to love it and october memories that hurt. i don't share this to make anyone feel bad. but i am a little hypersensitive right now. trying to plan a little surprise bday supper for my eldest son, yet liable to burst into tears because i miss my man. and a neighboring innkeeper who hasn't a clue who said 'you're not crying because you're leaving, are you? at least no one died, did they?' i couldn't even answer.
yes, i actually do have a love/hate relationship with october.
but it's personal.
i've always loved the autumn leaves. the air. the temps.
my second child was born october 14.
but ... my first husband abandoned me and the kids in october. and my second husband passed away october 16.
so ... i have reasons to love it and october memories that hurt. i don't share this to make anyone feel bad. but i am a little hypersensitive right now. trying to plan a little surprise bday supper for my eldest son, yet liable to burst into tears because i miss my man. and a neighboring innkeeper who hasn't a clue who said 'you're not crying because you're leaving, are you? at least no one died, did they?' i couldn't even answer..
seashanty said:
but ... my first husband abandoned me and the kids in october. and my second husband passed away october 16.
so ... i have reasons to love it and october memories that hurt.
I would guess that you do...I hope someone hugs you today.
yes, i actually do have a love/hate relationship with october.
but it's personal.
i've always loved the autumn leaves. the air. the temps.
my second child was born october 14.
but ... my first husband abandoned me and the kids in october. and my second husband passed away october 16.
so ... i have reasons to love it and october memories that hurt. i don't share this to make anyone feel bad. but i am a little hypersensitive right now. trying to plan a little surprise bday supper for my eldest son, yet liable to burst into tears because i miss my man. and a neighboring innkeeper who hasn't a clue who said 'you're not crying because you're leaving, are you? at least no one died, did they?' i couldn't even answer..
SS, I've never met you but from what I've read on this forum you seem like such a good, kind person. Just the kind of innkeeper a guest hopes for when they pull up the driveway.
It never ceases to amaze me the things you've survived with your chin still up.
I didn't respond on your other thread, but I do hope you stick around after this week! I read some of your blog a while ago and many of the things you shared about yourself struck a chord (I have my own Octobers). I was looking forward to getting to know you better, along with everyone else!
Best of luck and warm wishes, wherever the wind blows you!
stephanie, you are sweet. i probably shouldn't have posted that sad bit. i know that's not what this thread was intended to be about. but now that it's there, i'll leave it alone.
the quiet times (few guests, lots of bills) whenever they come are stressful to small businesses. newbies and wannabees take note: bank as much as you can for the bills that will come due even when rooms are empty.
yes, i actually do have a love/hate relationship with october.
but it's personal.
i've always loved the autumn leaves. the air. the temps.
my second child was born october 14.
but ... my first husband abandoned me and the kids in october. and my second husband passed away october 16.
so ... i have reasons to love it and october memories that hurt. i don't share this to make anyone feel bad. but i am a little hypersensitive right now. trying to plan a little surprise bday supper for my eldest son, yet liable to burst into tears because i miss my man. and a neighboring innkeeper who hasn't a clue who said 'you're not crying because you're leaving, are you? at least no one died, did they?' i couldn't even answer..
I too have read many of your posts and am always impressed not only with the enormous amount of work you do and the cheerfulness with which you do it, but also by how willing you are to stop and give someone else encouragement on these forums. I'm sure that's a mere shadow of the love and support you extend to others in "real life", and I hope folks take the time to tell you what an impact you have on them. Reading your posts has had a great positive impact on my day on more than one occassion, and I thank you.
This week sounds near impossible for you, with all that's happening and all the other October associations...I hope it goes as smoothly as it possibly can. Concentrate on your son and having a nice celebration for his birthday. I hope you get the opportunity in the coming days to do something really great just for YOU. You certainly deserve it.

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