Anonymity on Innspiring

Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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I was explaining to someone about the necessity of being cautious with what I post on the forum because I have chosen not to be anonymous. They were incredulous... why on earth would anyone read an innkeeping forum if they are not innkeepers? But as I explained to them, we're only a Google search away. One day someone with some spare time pops online and does some odd search and there we are, with lots of interesting details about their behavior when they stayed here.
I personally enjoy the mix of anon and not. (Of course, as a long-time regular I know who many of us are.) But I enjoy the perspective of all members, both new and old, ones that I know and those that I don't, as well.
When I saw the title of this thread I thought it was about the importance of respecting others' anonymity. I am not the only member who knows the identities of many of the anonymous folk here, and it's easy (as illustrated above) to let something slip now and then. But I have appreciated the willingness of members to respect the anonymity of others, to edit posts as necessary, and to provide a "safe" place for venting and sharing "in the open" yet privately.
Personally, I think it's the best of both worlds.
YellowSocks said:
I was explaining to someone about the necessity of being cautious with what I post on the forum because I have chosen not to be anonymous. They were incredulous... why on earth would anyone read an innkeeping forum if they are not innkeepers? But as I explained to them, we're only a Google search away. One day someone with some spare time pops online and does some odd search and there we are, with lots of interesting details about their behavior when they stayed here.
I found this site quite easily with a google search. Of course, I was looking for it, since I knew it had to exist, but you're right...curiosity killed the cat. There will be guests searching for the perfect B&B and they are likely to come across this site.
My anonymity is linked to the fact that I don't have the job (I will probably know by tomorrow or Friday though) yet, and for all I know, the CURRENT caretakers are members of this forum! Now, deductive reasoning prevailing, they could figure it out, but I haven't been as cryptic about things because I highly doubt they ARE on this site. It's very similar to when we visited the area of the club and asked a local about the atmosphere. Of course, small-town curiosity led to them asking where and we couldn't say.
I have no idea why I chimed in. LOL I'm such a chatterbox.
Ethbay said:
YellowSocks said:
I was explaining to someone about the necessity of being cautious with what I post on the forum because I have chosen not to be anonymous. They were incredulous... why on earth would anyone read an innkeeping forum if they are not innkeepers? But as I explained to them, we're only a Google search away. One day someone with some spare time pops online and does some odd search and there we are, with lots of interesting details about their behavior when they stayed here.
I found this site quite easily with a google search. Of course, I was looking for it, since I knew it had to exist, but you're right...curiosity killed the cat. There will be guests searching for the perfect B&B and they are likely to come across this site.
My anonymity is linked to the fact that I don't have the job (I will probably know by tomorrow or Friday though) yet, and for all I know, the CURRENT caretakers are members of this forum! Now, deductive reasoning prevailing, they could figure it out, but I haven't been as cryptic about things because I highly doubt they ARE on this site. It's very similar to when we visited the area of the club and asked a local about the atmosphere. Of course, small-town curiosity led to them asking where and we couldn't say.
I have no idea why I chimed in. LOL I'm such a chatterbox.
Don't worry, you have been very professional on this forum. When you are hired, you can be super anon here and share guest stories like the rest. We hope you get this position!
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
I completely understand and appreciate the need / wish for anonymity. I have an interesting "lesson's learned" story here ..... and it involves TA.
My father and step-mother stayed here a while ago. It was different from previous trips in that we were busy so they lived "the guest life". When she got home, my SM asked if it was OK if she left a review on TA and sent me the text she wanted to post. I really didn't know what to say - the post was very objective but I was really worried I was crossing the ethics line SO I did what any sensible innkeeper would do - I turned to this forum for advice, including a quote from her "review". The general considered opinion was that she should feel free to post her review and I should relax.
Now - here's the interesting thing. The review was NOT published and the guideline related to "actual traveller's", was cited as the reason. This guideline contains wording that excludes relatives of employees from posting reviews.. Honestly - I was fine with it, as I was a uncomfortable anyway. The reality however (and where my warning comes in) is that my stepmother would under normal circumstances be totally untraceable to me and my establishment. She uses her maiden name, I still use my ex-husband's name etc etc. The only way that TA could have made the connection was knowing the establishment I run (as mentioned earlier I am not anonymous) and specifically looking for the phrase that I had quoted.
Wow. I'm stunned.
I think I just thought of one more reason y'all have it harder than we will in our caretakers' positions.
As rrh mentioned, dual identities are allowed as long as certain restrictions are followed. They are described in the terms of use for this site I have a few tools built into the site that only I have access to. So it is often fairly easy for me to spot them and monitor them for bad behavior. Keep in mind though, this forum moves so fast that there are often discussions that escape my notice, so I rely on members to keep me notified if something seems amiss.
I completely understand and appreciate the need / wish for anonymity. I have an interesting "lesson's learned" story here ..... and it involves TA.
My father and step-mother stayed here a while ago. It was different from previous trips in that we were busy so they lived "the guest life". When she got home, my SM asked if it was OK if she left a review on TA and sent me the text she wanted to post. I really didn't know what to say - the post was very objective but I was really worried I was crossing the ethics line SO I did what any sensible innkeeper would do - I turned to this forum for advice, including a quote from her "review". The general considered opinion was that she should feel free to post her review and I should relax.
Now - here's the interesting thing. The review was NOT published and the guideline related to "actual traveller's", was cited as the reason. This guideline contains wording that excludes relatives of employees from posting reviews.. Honestly - I was fine with it, as I was a uncomfortable anyway. The reality however (and where my warning comes in) is that my stepmother would under normal circumstances be totally untraceable to me and my establishment. She uses her maiden name, I still use my ex-husband's name etc etc. The only way that TA could have made the connection was knowing the establishment I run (as mentioned earlier I am not anonymous) and specifically looking for the phrase that I had quoted..
That certainly gives one reason for pause. I feel the naivete' draining from the oil pan even as I type. May have to move up to a 20W50.
I completely understand and appreciate the need / wish for anonymity. I have an interesting "lesson's learned" story here ..... and it involves TA.
My father and step-mother stayed here a while ago. It was different from previous trips in that we were busy so they lived "the guest life". When she got home, my SM asked if it was OK if she left a review on TA and sent me the text she wanted to post. I really didn't know what to say - the post was very objective but I was really worried I was crossing the ethics line SO I did what any sensible innkeeper would do - I turned to this forum for advice, including a quote from her "review". The general considered opinion was that she should feel free to post her review and I should relax.
Now - here's the interesting thing. The review was NOT published and the guideline related to "actual traveller's", was cited as the reason. This guideline contains wording that excludes relatives of employees from posting reviews.. Honestly - I was fine with it, as I was a uncomfortable anyway. The reality however (and where my warning comes in) is that my stepmother would under normal circumstances be totally untraceable to me and my establishment. She uses her maiden name, I still use my ex-husband's name etc etc. The only way that TA could have made the connection was knowing the establishment I run (as mentioned earlier I am not anonymous) and specifically looking for the phrase that I had quoted..
While the WWW was once considered wide spread and having something online could fall in the 'black hole' this proves the point that the web is smaller and more easily searched than once thought...Sure things have changed but it has become a smaller world...
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
rrh said:
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?

Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
rrh said:
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?

Joe Bloggs said:
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?
Hah...don't laugh but I was once on a B&B forum where that was the case. One person had about 7 or 8 different personas. He was very good at it...too good, it was a bit scary. And of course I got myself banned for giving free web advice ... it was run by some other web designer. The site is now gone and the domain is now for sale

Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
rrh said:
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?

Joe Bloggs said:
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?
Hah...don't laugh but I was once on a B&B forum where that was the case. One person had about 7 or 8 different personas. He was very good at it...too good, it was a bit scary. And of course I got myself banned for giving free web advice ... it was run by some other web designer. The site is now gone and the domain is now for sale

swirt said:
Hah...don't laugh but I was once on a B&B forum where that was the case. One person had about 7 or 8 different personas. He was very good at it...too good, it was a bit scary. And of course I got myself banned for giving free web advice ... it was run by some other web designer. The site is now gone and the domain is now for sale
OMG! I had forgotten all about that forum. I was racking my brains the other day when you said I vouched for you on about, because I remembered that I did but I didn't remember why... I mean, I know why I should have, but I couldn't remember how I knew it... you know what I mean.
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
Wow, I am stunned. Something like that would never occur to me because I know how forums work. I am a moderator on a Disney forum.
Ok, who are you?

Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
rrh said:
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?

Joe Bloggs said:
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?
Hah...don't laugh but I was once on a B&B forum where that was the case. One person had about 7 or 8 different personas. He was very good at it...too good, it was a bit scary. And of course I got myself banned for giving free web advice ... it was run by some other web designer. The site is now gone and the domain is now for sale

Now that's taking multiple personalities to a whole new level.
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
rrh said:
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?

Joe Bloggs said:
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?
Hah...don't laugh but I was once on a B&B forum where that was the case. One person had about 7 or 8 different personas. He was very good at it...too good, it was a bit scary. And of course I got myself banned for giving free web advice ... it was run by some other web designer. The site is now gone and the domain is now for sale

swirt said:
Hah...don't laugh but I was once on a B&B forum where that was the case. One person had about 7 or 8 different personas. He was very good at it...too good, it was a bit scary. And of course I got myself banned for giving free web advice ... it was run by some other web designer. The site is now gone and the domain is now for sale
OMG! I had forgotten all about that forum. I was racking my brains the other day when you said I vouched for you on about, because I remembered that I did but I didn't remember why... I mean, I know why I should have, but I couldn't remember how I knew it... you know what I mean.
muirford said:
OMG! I had forgotten all about that forum. I was racking my brains the other day when you said I vouched for you on about, because I remembered that I did but I didn't remember why... I mean, I know why I should have, but I couldn't remember how I knew it... you know what I mean.
I think you knew me from there and also crossed paths on Kitt's old forum (I am pretty sure Riki and I first met on Kitt's old forum too.)
I was originally on CAIK (does that still exist)? Where I was invited to a much nicer place on the where I met many of you way back when and from there I was led here. 6 years later...
I dabbled on a couple of other forums and they were so inactive it was not worth even opening them in the browser.
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
rrh said:
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?

Joe Bloggs said:
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?
Hah...don't laugh but I was once on a B&B forum where that was the case. One person had about 7 or 8 different personas. He was very good at it...too good, it was a bit scary. And of course I got myself banned for giving free web advice ... it was run by some other web designer. The site is now gone and the domain is now for sale

swirt said:
Hah...don't laugh but I was once on a B&B forum where that was the case. One person had about 7 or 8 different personas. He was very good at it...too good, it was a bit scary. And of course I got myself banned for giving free web advice ... it was run by some other web designer. The site is now gone and the domain is now for sale
OMG! I had forgotten all about that forum. I was racking my brains the other day when you said I vouched for you on about, because I remembered that I did but I didn't remember why... I mean, I know why I should have, but I couldn't remember how I knew it... you know what I mean.
muirford said:
OMG! I had forgotten all about that forum. I was racking my brains the other day when you said I vouched for you on about, because I remembered that I did but I didn't remember why... I mean, I know why I should have, but I couldn't remember how I knew it... you know what I mean.
I think you knew me from there and also crossed paths on Kitt's old forum (I am pretty sure Riki and I first met on Kitt's old forum too.)
You guys are so "forum experienced" I can't imagine those sites were nearly as impressive as what you have put together here.
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
rrh said:
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?

Joe Bloggs said:
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?
Hah...don't laugh but I was once on a B&B forum where that was the case. One person had about 7 or 8 different personas. He was very good at it...too good, it was a bit scary. And of course I got myself banned for giving free web advice ... it was run by some other web designer. The site is now gone and the domain is now for sale

swirt said:
Hah...don't laugh but I was once on a B&B forum where that was the case. One person had about 7 or 8 different personas. He was very good at it...too good, it was a bit scary. And of course I got myself banned for giving free web advice ... it was run by some other web designer. The site is now gone and the domain is now for sale
OMG! I had forgotten all about that forum. I was racking my brains the other day when you said I vouched for you on about, because I remembered that I did but I didn't remember why... I mean, I know why I should have, but I couldn't remember how I knew it... you know what I mean.
muirford said:
OMG! I had forgotten all about that forum. I was racking my brains the other day when you said I vouched for you on about, because I remembered that I did but I didn't remember why... I mean, I know why I should have, but I couldn't remember how I knew it... you know what I mean.
I think you knew me from there and also crossed paths on Kitt's old forum (I am pretty sure Riki and I first met on Kitt's old forum too.)
You guys are so "forum experienced" I can't imagine those sites were nearly as impressive as what you have put together here.
knkbnb said:
You guys are so "forum experienced" I can't imagine those sites were nearly as impressive as what you have put together here.
Actually, the about forum was pretty good. This forum has attracted a LOT more posters, tho. On about we were mainly amusing ourselves. This is better with more diversity of opinion and location.
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
rrh said:
Nobody is admitting to double identity yet, so I will

I have been participating in a number of different forums for about ten years now and you learn early on about how small the www has made the world and how easy it is to say something you wish you hadn't. But there are times when you need to be open to the public with who you are and what you have to say to advance your cause or attract attention to yourself. There are other times when you want to say things, or you don't know who you are addressing, when annonimity is a better way to go.
When I have questions or comments that I think may be publicly beneficial to the inn I use this account. If I need to vent or ask advice on a subject where a guest could recognize I was talking about them, I use my alter ego account. It protects my identity but still gives me a way to throw out "interesting" subjects. I discussed this with our fearless leader before setting up the other account and we agreed that if I used the 2 accounts to "discuss" a topic to my benefit he would can me right away, as it should be. I have not used the Mr. Hyde account as much as I thought I might, yet. Actually we have been so busy I haven't had time to participate a lot lately, but I do look in every day. This is a great place to get ideas and advice and share experiences.

Best wishes to all,
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?

Joe Bloggs said:
Say it isn't so! You mean there are really only three of us on this forum?
Hah...don't laugh but I was once on a B&B forum where that was the case. One person had about 7 or 8 different personas. He was very good at it...too good, it was a bit scary. And of course I got myself banned for giving free web advice ... it was run by some other web designer. The site is now gone and the domain is now for sale

swirt said:
Hah...don't laugh but I was once on a B&B forum where that was the case. One person had about 7 or 8 different personas. He was very good at it...too good, it was a bit scary. And of course I got myself banned for giving free web advice ... it was run by some other web designer. The site is now gone and the domain is now for sale
OMG! I had forgotten all about that forum. I was racking my brains the other day when you said I vouched for you on about, because I remembered that I did but I didn't remember why... I mean, I know why I should have, but I couldn't remember how I knew it... you know what I mean.
muirford said:
OMG! I had forgotten all about that forum. I was racking my brains the other day when you said I vouched for you on about, because I remembered that I did but I didn't remember why... I mean, I know why I should have, but I couldn't remember how I knew it... you know what I mean.
I think you knew me from there and also crossed paths on Kitt's old forum (I am pretty sure Riki and I first met on Kitt's old forum too.)
You guys are so "forum experienced" I can't imagine those sites were nearly as impressive as what you have put together here.
knkbnb said:
You guys are so "forum experienced" I can't imagine those sites were nearly as impressive as what you have put together here.
Actually, the about forum was pretty good. This forum has attracted a LOT more posters, tho. On about we were mainly amusing ourselves. This is better with more diversity of opinion and location.
It is amazing how it seems to be growing so quickly. There are so many insights to be had and the differing perspectives really help an innkeeper see how and where they fit into the larger industry.
I was originally on CAIK (does that still exist)? Where I was invited to a much nicer place on the where I met many of you way back when and from there I was led here. 6 years later...
I dabbled on a couple of other forums and they were so inactive it was not worth even opening them in the browser..
Yes, CAIK is still going. I have been on that one, as well as about. I guess many of us have met each other before.
I'm not overly concerned with anonymity because pretty much everyone seems to stay pissed at me no matter what.
Anonymity shouldn't be an issue as long as you're not slandering someone or issuing libelous statements about a specific person. However, I know there are some who actually care what others think about whatever floats your boat.
I'm not overly concerned with anonymity because pretty much everyone seems to stay pissed at me no matter what.
Anonymity shouldn't be an issue as long as you're not slandering someone or issuing libelous statements about a specific person. However, I know there are some who actually care what others think about whatever floats your boat..
Proud Texan said:
I'm not overly concerned with anonymity because pretty much everyone seems to stay pissed at me no matter what.
I'm not pissed at you....

But I guess I could work harder at it if you'd like me to...


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