Anonymity on Innspiring

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I think this forum is a breath of fresh air. If it's anonimity that helps, then I'm all for it! My experience on the "other forum" that is only for paying members is that folks who have a differing opinion often don't express it on the forum. A few times I have chimed into a conversation and had a differing opinion, and instead of members posting on the board that they agreed with me, I would instead get private e-mails from them in support of my position. They were reluctant to post their opinion because everyone knew who they were.
After an incident that occurred a little over a month ago on this forum, I removed all identifying information about myself. A lot of members here know who and where I am, but in the future I don't want to be threatened again with a lawsuit by someone who doesn't like my opinion.
Keep the topics and different opinions flowing, it's just personal slams we should all be careful to stay away from..
NW BB said:
I think this forum is a breath of fresh air. If it's anonimity that helps, then I'm all for it! My experience on the "other forum" that is only for paying members is that folks who have a differing opinion often don't express it on the forum. A few times I have chimed into a conversation and had a differing opinion, and instead of members posting on the board that they agreed with me, I would instead get private e-mails from them in support of my position. They were reluctant to post their opinion because everyone knew who they were.
After an incident that occurred a little over a month ago on this forum, I removed all identifying information about myself. A lot of members here know who and where I am, but in the future I don't want to be threatened again with a lawsuit by someone who doesn't like my opinion.
Keep the topics and different opinions flowing, it's just personal slams we should all be careful to stay away from.
NWBB Hmmmmm, you forgot something. (Avatar) line drawing if it is on your website or other materials. Or is that only pictured here?
Don't forget everyone some on this forum are genteel southerners, some Canadians ey and some from the BRONX! We all have different venaculars and way of speaking and add to that electronic medium and BOOM! A bomb has gone off.
The illistration I use(ed) here shouldn't be recognized, but I decided to go ahead and change it anyway. Hmmm...this new one is supposed to be dancing!
I think this forum is a breath of fresh air. If it's anonimity that helps, then I'm all for it! My experience on the "other forum" that is only for paying members is that folks who have a differing opinion often don't express it on the forum. A few times I have chimed into a conversation and had a differing opinion, and instead of members posting on the board that they agreed with me, I would instead get private e-mails from them in support of my position. They were reluctant to post their opinion because everyone knew who they were.
After an incident that occurred a little over a month ago on this forum, I removed all identifying information about myself. A lot of members here know who and where I am, but in the future I don't want to be threatened again with a lawsuit by someone who doesn't like my opinion.
Keep the topics and different opinions flowing, it's just personal slams we should all be careful to stay away from..
NW BB said:
I think this forum is a breath of fresh air. If it's anonimity that helps, then I'm all for it! My experience on the "other forum" that is only for paying members is that folks who have a differing opinion often don't express it on the forum. A few times I have chimed into a conversation and had a differing opinion, and instead of members posting on the board that they agreed with me, I would instead get private e-mails from them in support of my position. They were reluctant to post their opinion because everyone knew who they were.
After an incident that occurred a little over a month ago on this forum, I removed all identifying information about myself. A lot of members here know who and where I am, but in the future I don't want to be threatened again with a lawsuit by someone who doesn't like my opinion.
Keep the topics and different opinions flowing, it's just personal slams we should all be careful to stay away from.
NWBB Hmmmmm, you forgot something. (Avatar) line drawing if it is on your website or other materials. Or is that only pictured here?
Don't forget everyone some on this forum are genteel southerners, some Canadians ey and some from the BRONX! We all have different venaculars and way of speaking and add to that electronic medium and BOOM! A bomb has gone off.
Joe Bloggs said:
Don't forget everyone some on this forum are genteel southerners, some Canadians ey and some from the BRONX! We all have different venaculars and way of speaking and add to that electronic medium and BOOM! A bomb has gone off.
You talkin' to me?
muirford said:
The idea that some of us don't reveal our B&Bs in this forum seems to make some posters uncomfortable and question our motives for doing so.
I am one of those members that keep my inn identity private, so I totally agree with what you said. Having seen what has happened in the About forum, I'd rather not deal with those implications at the risk of other member's minor discomforts.
In my opinion, the identity of my inn is synonymous with my own personal identity. For that reason, I've chosen the anonymous route.
Ok - you all scared me sufficiently. I am now incognito..
aieechihuahua said:
Ok - you all scared me sufficiently. I am now incognito.
When I first read your post I thought you were leaving us...glad you just decided to don the super-secret-identity-keeping-cape ;)
Nah...this is too much fun. I can't leave!
I know. It's a hoot, isn't it?? Sooooo much good info, words of wisdom, common sense. Who could walk away? My hubby calls this forum my obsession.

This forum has quite a few new members as of the last few days, as well as the unknown peepers, so what is going on here must be GOOD. I know I am happy.

And really I can not think of a better place for an aspiring to be, this is Reality Innkeeping, with real personalities and real situations.
Ok - you all scared me sufficiently. I am now incognito..
aieechihuahua said:
Ok - you all scared me sufficiently. I am now incognito.
When I first read your post I thought you were leaving us...glad you just decided to don the super-secret-identity-keeping-cape ;)
Nah...this is too much fun. I can't leave!
BTW, I really like the new avatar. And the name to go with it! Cute!
This seems like a good time to remind people that if you list your B&B and Blog address in your profile then you are NOT incognito, BUT if you list your inn using the "advertising your inn" section of your profile, then the listing becomes part of the "featured inn" rotation and does not reveal to others who it belongs to.
I am the only one that can see behind the curtain so to speak and I don't pass that info along to anyone.
I notice that a lot of people fill out the section for the "advertizing your inn" but miss the critical step of uploading a photo. Without the photo, the add will never appear in the rotation. If anyone needs help, you can find specific directions here.
Message to those who have gone "underground" recently - I like your new avatars. They are great.
This seems like a good time to remind people that if you list your B&B and Blog address in your profile then you are NOT incognito, BUT if you list your inn using the "advertising your inn" section of your profile, then the listing becomes part of the "featured inn" rotation and does not reveal to others who it belongs to.
I am the only one that can see behind the curtain so to speak and I don't pass that info along to anyone.
I notice that a lot of people fill out the section for the "advertizing your inn" but miss the critical step of uploading a photo. Without the photo, the add will never appear in the rotation. If anyone needs help, you can find specific directions here..
did I do that yet? I can't remember. CRS
Message to those who have gone "underground" recently - I like your new avatars. They are great..
My avatar is Risa - one of our "official greeters". She just showed up at our door last May - all 4.2 lbs of her. She likes food too much and now weighs over 10 lbs. Not fat - just right. She is a very unusual Chihuahua - not barky or nippy or shaky. She thinks all the guests come here to see her. Risa is Spanish for smile. We didn't want another dog - if fact made a pact with each other not to get one, but my hub fell in love and she still has him under her spell, much to the shagrin of myself and our other dog, Mini.
This seems like a good time to remind people that if you list your B&B and Blog address in your profile then you are NOT incognito, BUT if you list your inn using the "advertising your inn" section of your profile, then the listing becomes part of the "featured inn" rotation and does not reveal to others who it belongs to.
I am the only one that can see behind the curtain so to speak and I don't pass that info along to anyone.
I notice that a lot of people fill out the section for the "advertizing your inn" but miss the critical step of uploading a photo. Without the photo, the add will never appear in the rotation. If anyone needs help, you can find specific directions here..
did I do that yet? I can't remember. CRS
aieechihuahua said:
did I do that yet? I can't remember. CRS
If you go to "My Account" you will either see your info in the box labeled "advertising your inn" or you won't.
Or you can look at the "Featured Inns" page. If you don't see your place listed it means that at least one of the three pieces of information is missing. (photo, location description, web address)
Message to those who have gone "underground" recently - I like your new avatars. They are great..
My avatar is Risa - one of our "official greeters". She just showed up at our door last May - all 4.2 lbs of her. She likes food too much and now weighs over 10 lbs. Not fat - just right. She is a very unusual Chihuahua - not barky or nippy or shaky. She thinks all the guests come here to see her. Risa is Spanish for smile. We didn't want another dog - if fact made a pact with each other not to get one, but my hub fell in love and she still has him under her spell, much to the shagrin of myself and our other dog, Mini.
Note to anyone who is about to say they don't see a small dog as her avitar. Her original avatar may still be in your browser's cache so you still may be seeing it until your browser decides it is time to go see if there is a newer version. Usually within a day or so everyone will be seeing the same cute little dog.
Message to those who have gone "underground" recently - I like your new avatars. They are great..
My avatar is Risa - one of our "official greeters". She just showed up at our door last May - all 4.2 lbs of her. She likes food too much and now weighs over 10 lbs. Not fat - just right. She is a very unusual Chihuahua - not barky or nippy or shaky. She thinks all the guests come here to see her. Risa is Spanish for smile. We didn't want another dog - if fact made a pact with each other not to get one, but my hub fell in love and she still has him under her spell, much to the shagrin of myself and our other dog, Mini.
Note to anyone who is about to say they don't see a small dog as her avitar. Her original avatar may still be in your browser's cache so you still may be seeing it until your browser decides it is time to go see if there is a newer version. Usually within a day or so everyone will be seeing the same cute little dog.
LOL You guys are all animals. I think we need more food avatars on here. When I signed up I thought Bree's was a piece of cheese. That's what gave me the idea. Way to go, Joe!
Message to those who have gone "underground" recently - I like your new avatars. They are great..
My avatar is Risa - one of our "official greeters". She just showed up at our door last May - all 4.2 lbs of her. She likes food too much and now weighs over 10 lbs. Not fat - just right. She is a very unusual Chihuahua - not barky or nippy or shaky. She thinks all the guests come here to see her. Risa is Spanish for smile. We didn't want another dog - if fact made a pact with each other not to get one, but my hub fell in love and she still has him under her spell, much to the shagrin of myself and our other dog, Mini.
Note to anyone who is about to say they don't see a small dog as her avitar. Her original avatar may still be in your browser's cache so you still may be seeing it until your browser decides it is time to go see if there is a newer version. Usually within a day or so everyone will be seeing the same cute little dog.
SHIFT/RELOAD or REFRESH :) I thought I was going crazy when I didn't see the doggie!
I was explaining to someone about the necessity of being cautious with what I post on the forum because I have chosen not to be anonymous. They were incredulous... why on earth would anyone read an innkeeping forum if they are not innkeepers? But as I explained to them, we're only a Google search away. One day someone with some spare time pops online and does some odd search and there we are, with lots of interesting details about their behavior when they stayed here.
I personally enjoy the mix of anon and not. (Of course, as a long-time regular I know who many of us are.) But I enjoy the perspective of all members, both new and old, ones that I know and those that I don't, as well.
When I saw the title of this thread I thought it was about the importance of respecting others' anonymity. I am not the only member who knows the identities of many of the anonymous folk here, and it's easy (as illustrated above) to let something slip now and then. But I have appreciated the willingness of members to respect the anonymity of others, to edit posts as necessary, and to provide a "safe" place for venting and sharing "in the open" yet privately.
Personally, I think it's the best of both worlds.
YellowSocks said:
I was explaining to someone about the necessity of being cautious with what I post on the forum because I have chosen not to be anonymous. They were incredulous... why on earth would anyone read an innkeeping forum if they are not innkeepers? But as I explained to them, we're only a Google search away. One day someone with some spare time pops online and does some odd search and there we are, with lots of interesting details about their behavior when they stayed here.
I found this site quite easily with a google search. Of course, I was looking for it, since I knew it had to exist, but you're right...curiosity killed the cat. There will be guests searching for the perfect B&B and they are likely to come across this site.
My anonymity is linked to the fact that I don't have the job (I will probably know by tomorrow or Friday though) yet, and for all I know, the CURRENT caretakers are members of this forum! Now, deductive reasoning prevailing, they could figure it out, but I haven't been as cryptic about things because I highly doubt they ARE on this site. It's very similar to when we visited the area of the club and asked a local about the atmosphere. Of course, small-town curiosity led to them asking where and we couldn't say.
I have no idea why I chimed in. LOL I'm such a chatterbox.

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