I've had to use the mgmt response too many times in order to explain the 'shared' bathroom. It just doesn't get thru.In addition, when my breakfast is mentioned, whether it is a praise or a criticism, I take the opportunity to 'manage future expectations' by listing our actual menu. So add something like, "Thank you for mentioning our breakfast. We offer an enhanced continental breakfast including freshly baked coffee cake, a yogurt bar, fresh fruit and gluten free cereal. In addition. we always offer a hot breakfast such as pancakes, scrambled eggs or oatmeal."The first troublesome review is the one future guests will read to determine what type of innkeepers you are. Don't blow it.
Don't be defensive. Thank them for their feedback. If you want to say you're still learning the ropes, tell them you'll evaluate your breakfast. Let them see you as responsive. I would diffuse the slight about "tension" with some humor. "We're not sure what type of tension your wife saw between us -- romantic tension, perhaps?Something like that. Tell them you've added checking all drawers to your room checklist and thank them for that learning.
My rule is always make your response a sandwich. A semi-serious refutation of the damaging portion, sandwiched between two compliments and/or thank yous.
"Thanks for saying Michelle was such a great host. Bob must have been a little sleepy the morning you were here. Oh, and thanks for teaching us to always check the drawers. We appreciate your help in making us great innkeepers, etc., etc."
Then hit publish, go mix a drink, and call them names behind their back..
OR, if your breakfast that day was awesome and he's just a jerk, something like, "I remember that morning. We served crepes fambe' with grass fed beef hash and freshly squeezed papaya juice. As I recall, your eyes lit up as we lit the crepes tableside."
Yes and it accomplishes nothing to try to correct people.Morticia said:I've had to use the mgmt response too many times in order to explain the 'shared' bathroom. It just doesn't get thru.
Do you remember the couple who said we were 2+ hours from the interstate? Talk about scaring people away, we are 30-40 minutes from an Interstate, and you travel on a hwy to get to it, not through the woods. We are 1 mile from that highway.