Aluminum foil box

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2008
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Something that came through on an email!
You learn something new every day!
I can't believe it's been there all this time.
Whoever looks at the end of your aluminum foil box?
You know when you try to pull some foil out and the roll comes out of the box.
Then you have to put the roll back in the box and start over.
The darn roll always comes out at the wrong time.
Well, I would like to share this with you.
Yesterday I went to throw out an empty Reynolds foil box and for some reason I turned it,
and looked at the end of the box. And written on the end it said, Press here to lock end.
Right there on the end of the box is a tab to lock the roll in place.
How long has this little locking tab been there?
I then looked at a generic brand of aluminum foil and it had one, too.
I then looked at a box of Saran wrap and it had one too!
I can't count the number of times the Saran wrap roll has jumped out,
when I was trying to cover something up.
I'm sharing this with my friends.
I hope I'm not the only person that didn't know about this.
I didn't know that either. I will have to go look at all the boxes. What a good tip.
You are not the only one! I just went and looked and showed hubs and we both did a dope slap. How ingenious!
You are kidding!! I now have to go look and then show it to my daughter so I can look soooo smart!
It is the same on plastic wraps I believe. THis was WHEEL OF FORTUNE...a tip from VANNA WHITE about 3 months ago!:)
I can truly say that I knew, but have not known for long. Got it from a friend on Email. What would we do with out email.
Wow! I just checked, and of course, there were the tabs. Just yesterday we were finishing up a reception, and the saran wrap and foil both jumped out of the boxes. I said to DW - 'this is frustrating'.
Thanks for the tip!
I buy the precut foil.
(Sorry, I had to say something contrary as everyone always does on my posts! or is the word persnickety? ha ha)
I knew those where there from using the commercial size alfoil and plastic wrap. But of course at home I forget and never use them and am having to undo the plastic wrap off the roll when I use it and always end up tearing it off instead of using the teeth as it doesn't stay in place! DOH!
I knew, but I'm not sure for how long... maybe a year?
I think it's because I read a lot, and recycle cardboard. So, I'm guessing I noticed when I was flattening a box to put into recycling.
I admit to being very delighted when I realized it.
Oh, yea. Didn't know that until recently either, my mom was putting some saran wrap on something and it came out she said "Susy...don't you know about these tabs at the end of the tube? I said what tabs? and then promptly I said:
Oh, yea. Didn't know that until recently either, my mom was putting some saran wrap on something and it came out she said "Susy...don't you know about these tabs at the end of the tube? I said what tabs? and then promptly I said:
birdwatcher said:
Oh, yea. Didn't know that until recently either, my mom was putting some saran wrap on something and it came out she said "Susy...don't you know about these tabs at the end of the tube? I said what tabs? and then promptly I said:
I just remembered I do use those, you put your finger in the holes as you turn the plastic - but still never had the plastic fastened into them. double doh!
what tabs?
clueless in the closet.
seashanty said:
what tabs?
At the ends of plastic wrap and aluminum foil boxes are places that say "push here to lock" or similar... when you push in, they make a little tab that goes in the ends of the tube inside the box and they hold the tube in so it doesn't pop out when you pull on the product.
A small convenience that is simply marvelous in its little way, that says someone, somewhere, cares about the everyday trials of my world.
and is there a way to keep the wrap from getting stuck on the roll so you can't get it rolling again? to keep the end on the edge of the box where it belongs for next time. i am half playing half serious ... but of course, when really busy, fumble fingers, i lose the end of the wrap!
and is there a way to keep the wrap from getting stuck on the roll so you can't get it rolling again? to keep the end on the edge of the box where it belongs for next time. i am half playing half serious ... but of course, when really busy, fumble fingers, i lose the end of the wrap!.
There is a brand that has a sort of sticky - a thingy in thr center of the front of the box - that holds the plastic wrap to the front of the box for the next use. it is a name brand.
and is there a way to keep the wrap from getting stuck on the roll so you can't get it rolling again? to keep the end on the edge of the box where it belongs for next time. i am half playing half serious ... but of course, when really busy, fumble fingers, i lose the end of the wrap!.
seashanty said:
and is there a way to keep the wrap from getting stuck on the roll so you can't get it rolling again? to keep the end on the edge of the box where it belongs for next time. i am half playing half serious ... but of course, when really busy, fumble fingers, i lose the end of the wrap!
Heaven help me, but here's a tip from Martha for tape that would work just as well for plastic the case of the tape, use a toothpick to keep the end from getting stuck to itself. So, for plastic wrap, why not try a wooden skewer cut to the size of the box.
You all didn't want to see me pushing the tabs in and trying to get the roll to roll after that! grrrrrrrrrr It was a comedy scene.
I got this from a friend of mine. She found it hard to believe that I knew about it but forget to use the little push in tabs most of the time.

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