I've been in so many meetings where we discuss all kinds of good ideas, then nothing ever happens because nobody will take action. Talk is cheap..
UGH! Had one of those yesterday. We have a terrible parking problem in our town - too many visitors, too few parking spaces. The Mayor appointed me, as a board member of our Business Assoc, to work with a city council member and a downtown property investor to come up with solutions. We've been meeting once a month since June with All Talk - No Action. I finally told them yesterday that we keep discussing the same things, but nothing's getting done. They looked at me like I'd just spoken Mandarin.
Kay Nein said:
UGH! Had one of those yesterday. We have a terrible parking problem in our town - too many visitors, too few parking spaces. The Mayor appointed me, as a board member of our Business Assoc, to work with a city council member and a downtown property investor to come up with solutions. We've been meeting once a month since June with All Talk - No Action. I finally told them yesterday that we keep discussing the same things, but nothing's getting done. They looked at me like I'd just spoken Mandarin.
A term we use in corporate buzzword-speak - "action items." At the end of the meeting, review the "action items."
Sylvia, your "action item" is to conduct a traffic survey looking for #cars through vs #cars parking.
Jenny, your "action item" is to contact three meter companies for bids. We need the bids by the next meeting.
At the next meeting, you go over the assigned "action items." Either something will have been done or Sylvia and Jenny look useless.