I have a warm affection for $2 bills and it goes back to 1994.
At the time, I was publisher of the smallest daily newspaper in Georgia. We were owned by a chain, and many in the small town grumbled that all their ad dollars and money went to some big Canadian outfit instead of staying with locals. So I made arrangements with our local bank to have thousands of $2 bills on hand. Didn't tell them why, just told them they'd need them.
The next week, when I paid my employees, I told them to go to the bank and get their checks cashed all in $2 bills. And then to go out and use them, paying for every dinner out with $2 bills, paying every electric bill in cash with $2 bills, even if it took some time to count them out.
Never told anyone in the town what was up. Within two weeks the town was awash in nothing but $2 bills, clerks were annoyed because they didn't have a slot in their cash drawer for them. We were getting dozens of calls daily saying "Why isn't the newspaper reporting on why there suddenly so many $2 bills in town? Is there some counterfeit ring in town handing them out? (I would cost more than $10 to print a hardly-passible fake bill, so that idea was just ludicrous).
Finally, after three weeks, and a full month before I had planned to, I wrote a publisher's note in the paper, telling what we have done, and letting folks know we'd done so to show the they money they spent on our newspaper for the most part stayed in town, and circulated over and over and over again.
It took years before all the $2 bills finally got flushed out of our town's economy, and I was long gone before it happened.