We have had 3 lots of children so far ... first set of 3 (2 almost teen girls and one 8 ish year old boy) alone in one room. There was clothes and things every where.
The next were 2 under teen boys with an older brother ... tidier than some adults we have had. Polite, and if not for the Mexican tummy they were having the younger boys tried every thing, well that they could if they didn't run from the breakfast table. Only thing was the smell that they left behind. Puberty I was told. Smell gone, very nice family.
Next one are arriving in September I think. The booking is all one group thankfully and all 4 rooms

but they are bringing three kids, oldest being 3. Had had kids, a long time since mine were that age. We will firm things up more when the date gets closer as to what they "think" we will be supplying for breakfast.
We do not have a kid friendly environment. This was explained. It was suggested that we pick up a few items like some type of seat and sleeping thingy. We mentioned we are not set up for kids, we have an OPEN POOL (Mexican law allows open pools and besides, we all live behind huge rock walls). She said she still wanted to come. I personally am a wee bit worried about the open pool, and not being able to control the critters (spiders, scorpions, etc). She wants to come and stay with us ... oh ... and if it warrants, she too will post for us on Trip Advisor. I hope she isn't the person she is making herself sound to be like when she and her troop finaly do arrive.
I will be able to say that we will not be purchasing any special equipment for children. This will be the testers before we add to our rules .. no children under the age of ??
We want the bookings, but at what price? They are all coming for an event (a wedding I believe) and should hopefully all be away during the days. This will work out and all will be fine. I will be on pins and needles while those kids are on the property, I am also sure that our Chi's (Chihuahua's) will find themselves inside the house most of the time and away from tiny hands..