Arkansawyer said:
Morticia said:
I answer the phone and the caller wants to know if I have rooms tonight?
Joey Bloggs said:
The rates - $33. How nice of them to think of us for referrals!
I'm wondering if some B&Bs need to work more to call attention to the $10-value breakfast that goes with the rooms. It seems like when people are pricing rooms they often don't consider that they're also getting a great breakfast.
I've made a note to never call it a "room rate" on my website or on the phone. I'll try to always say it's the "room with breakfast rate" or something similar. Of course, that may cause some on the phone to ask, "so what's the room without breakfast rate" but I'll have a quick answer for that.
YES! And in fact my latest campaign is to draw attention to this fact. Well, let's just say promote it more.
I delivered breakfast to the cottage today and realized I had not done this for quite a while, we used to deliver every weekend, so I blogged it on two blogs (will post in two days on my B&B blog) and also added it to the packages/add ons page after removing a diff package.
I removed what
was a great idea, the dinner cruise, as they are not able to fill the boat and cancelling on me and leaving us hold the bag. As much as I like to do special packages, having a third party involved stresses me out. They close up shop, don't fill boats, don't return calls, or whatever.
I hear ya and want to shout to other innmates here to please SHOW AND SHARE YOUR SECOND B. Your breakfasts are to die for, let guests in on the secret!