This is sooo funny!
We all know the price of bacon has gone up. I used to buy the 'expensive' stuff, but with trying to cut back on everything, we decided to try the 'store' brand at the big box store! Guess what? Guests LOVE it more than the other stuff!! They consistently say "Oh my gosh, I think this is the best bacon I've ever had!" Todays guests added, "We don't get these kind of hogs in St. .......!" LOL!
Ok, so it might also have something to do with the atmosphere, and the fact that 'they' didn't have to prepare it or clean up, and they are totally relaxed and loving their stay... BUT all the same... The bacon is a hit!!!
We all know the price of bacon has gone up. I used to buy the 'expensive' stuff, but with trying to cut back on everything, we decided to try the 'store' brand at the big box store! Guess what? Guests LOVE it more than the other stuff!! They consistently say "Oh my gosh, I think this is the best bacon I've ever had!" Todays guests added, "We don't get these kind of hogs in St. .......!" LOL!
Ok, so it might also have something to do with the atmosphere, and the fact that 'they' didn't have to prepare it or clean up, and they are totally relaxed and loving their stay... BUT all the same... The bacon is a hit!!!