You've spent way too much time and energy on this oneAll I can say is just forget about this guy! Keep all your correspondence and IF he shows up and I doubt he will. Give him copies and shut the doorWell, I'm thinking less and less of bothering to call this person. He still has not responded and I did a reverse check of his phone number. He's listed, and at a different address than he gave. I checked the other couples last name in the town and they came up not at the address he gave.
I checked a reverse check on the address he gave and he listed the apartment as 1233 North and it did not come up. The general address came up and listed about 50 names (his phone is registered so he should show up) and nothing on him or his friends.
So I went into the US Post office website and looked up the address asking for the zip code and no such puppy. They have the address SOUTH but nothing NORTH.
I may have just missed being scammed, I think. My gut reaction appears to have been correct.
Maybe I should call him just for fun and tell him that the letter I sent with alternate housing suggestions for the timeframe he wanted just came back returned mail!
.I doubt he will show up either.catlady said:All I can say is just forget about this guy! Keep all your correspondence and IF he shows up and I doubt he will. Give him copies and shut the door