This is on my to do list for next season. Plus, I'll be buying a bigger day timer for festivals and events as soon as I get word of it. Don't know if it would attract bookings to know what's going on in my little corner since anyone that comes to the island looks at the big picture, but I though I could put up a white board calendar and fill in stuff to do while they're staying with me.
Anyone does anything along these lines?.
Can I make a suggestion? If you're going to all the effort to gather the info, why not put it on your website using a Google calendar? You can point guests to the calendar in your communication with them, plus it's there for anyone wondering what there is to do. Then, we use that calendar to write it up on a white board in the dining room. I also leave that page up on the guest computer.2cat_lady said:This is on my to do list for next season. Plus, I'll be buying a bigger day timer for festivals and events as soon as I get word of it. Don't know if it would attract bookings to know what's going on in my little corner since anyone that comes to the island looks at the big picture, but I though I could put up a white board calendar and fill in stuff to do while they're staying with me.
Anyone does anything along these lines?