You piqued my interest TB. Can you share more on how the offer educated you about selling?K thanks will do it. We got an offer but it was too low to accept. It was nice to see some action though. Back to the drawing board.
I seriously doubt the traditional avenues will produce much as how many people can figure out how to do a state wide search for B&B's on the MLS.
The nicest part was the offer was very informative about what we will need to get financing etc. How our numbers look and what a person can expect if they owned. I was pleasently surprised at how it help up. I think we are priced right now. We did a big drop after listing it and I can see rightly so..
o k - i cFirst, I need to use more commas.since we have only been open 18 months, our numbers are a bit weak. We tried to confine the fix up and opening costs to the first year but we didn't. Any potential buyer will need to be lead through those numbers. Which we successfully did. Then when they go to the bank it needs to be done again.
By doing this we saw that our original price was clearly too high. No bank would have taken it seriously as a possible loan. the current price is logical cash flow wise and historically. We are priced lower then a 2004 purchase price even with our improvements..