Well, that's a first

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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We have a line of sheets that are billed as 'crisp linens.' They are what you might remember from childhood. Anyhoo, they were too crisp for one guest who asked for new sheets. So, I had to go into the 'backup' stash to find 'non-crisp' linens. I like them, but I'm not everyone. Good thing I had other sheets!
She's the linen version of gluten-free.
ooh, Miss Crisp stayed with me! Wonder if it was her or a relative of your guest. She said her skin was too sensitive for my sheets and didn't like my second or third offering. I showed her what I had and she chose some pilled old sheets destined to be given away for her stay. I wondered if it's the starch in the rinse I used? But all the sheets were washed the same way, even the old ones that were getting thread bare. With skin that sensitive, I think I would bring my own sheets.