Ways to make your inn more casual

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You've all talked about decor, but let's talk about attitude. I think it's just as or more important to creating a casual atmosphere. We wear Inn t-shirts, jeans and sneakers as our uniform. We answer the door with a smile and usually a joke. Ok, broke down the first fence. We are very casual in our delivery, our kindness and our mannerisms (casual but professional). Us and our common rooms are very accessible (they can hang out with us in the kitchen and chat while we make cookies) and not-stuffy. Yes, decor matters - I've seen some places that I wouldn't want to book because they are too formal and hoity-toity. I'm casual, I want casual. But, you can set someone at ease with a casual nature and they will relax and not feel like they are intruding on your personal space. Just relax and treat them like friends - that goes a long way..
Yeah... except the joke at the door. The humourless will leave a nasty TA review for that. We know that from experience.
Jon Sable said:
Yeah... except the joke at the door. The humourless will leave a nasty TA review for that. We know that from experience.
It helps to be good at reading people (I am not), because the same ones who don't enjoy a joke probably also prefer a more formal atmosphere. So joke and be casual with the ones you sense will appreciate it, and be less so with the ones who seem stiff, at least until you get to know their personality better.
Maybe wait for the guest to make the first joke ;-)
Ok, y'all. I'm not talking about "A horse walked into a bar" joke or "What did the condom say to the cupcake?" I mean, come on. We joke around with our guest and they love it. Makes them feel at home and helps them relax in a strange environment. We love our guests and it genuinely shows. It's all about the delivery. No one's ever been offended, left bad reviews or fought back from a little good humor. And the stiff ones are the people who need it most. It works for us.
As they say around here, "They are just funnin' with ya, honey."
Isn't hoity-toity! I love it!!!
well ... i hope everyone stays with a style they are comfortable with. if you're comfortable, i think your guests will be comfortable.
sometimes, i long for luxury and plush and elegant ... or classic and crisp ... there's a place for that..
seashanty said:
well ... i hope everyone stays with a style they are comfortable with. if you're comfortable, i think your guests will be comfortable.
sometimes, i long for luxury and plush and elegant ... or classic and crisp ... there's a place for that.
Yes, you got that right. WE set the tone not only with decor but with our actions. But that is after they are here. The tone needs to also be in our website message, pictures and in our blogs etc....

And a call out to JB - you do a fab. job in your pictures on your blog and website shows your casual personality and relaxed B&B.
It looks like you are already adding a relaxing feel to the website y'all.