Upgrading from the Stubby pencil method

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Aug 22, 2009
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Hi all:
We bought an inn last month and they used a 2 inch binder with daily pages for reservations. This is way too many pages to keep track of and way too cumbersome to carry around when running errands. We do have a website which we are in the process of re-vamping and looking at doing online reservations as well. My question is what is the most simplistic way of having a all in one way to view availability from the website as well as for us when we recieve phone calls along with being able to book rooms via phone using my blackberry? Also can you intergrate booking into say quicken or quick books so I can throw away the pencil and the sharpener? I travel 4 days a week and my wife is left holding the bag and I just want to make things as simple as I can. Thanks
Welcome Scott! Come on over from the dark side...tee hee
We have many many threads on this topic. Some use Webervations, some use SuperInn, some use RezOvation, and others have some less popular guest management software. Whatever you do, do it all in one so where you are, you can update and maintain - auto send confirmations - guests can see availability calendar and book live right then and there. There is no reason to put people off by sending requests or emails.
Warning in revamping website - if the B&B has been around for a while, don't jeorpardize your standings in google by changing too much too quickly, unless the website totally sucked anyway. All the best! Let us know what you choose and how well you like it!
If you travel with a laptop, I would just use Webervations (which I do use) because you can get into your Webervations from any computer to update the calendar if you were to take a reservation call and your wife could do likewise from home. I like it because if I cannot get to a computer - no laptop as yet - the guest making the online rez takes the room out of inventory, and I have requested guests to do just that if I am in the car taking the rez. Probably any of the reservation systems will do this. But I also use an At-A-Glance Weekly date book that will fit in my purse if I go out to check availability since I have no laptop. But, then again, I am the only one taking reservations.
Welcome to the land of the innkeeping. May you be as busy as you want to be!!
I see you folks quoting the names of the tools you use all the time and. as an aspiring, I am curious about this aspect of the business. Wondering if it would be different for Canadian B & B owners ...
I see you folks quoting the names of the tools you use all the time and. as an aspiring, I am curious about this aspect of the business. Wondering if it would be different for Canadian B & B owners ....
Webervations, Rezovations, etc are all international. I would guess that if it is offered here, it is offered in Canada. The Directories are all international - the main ones anyway: bedandbreakfast.com, bbonline.com, iLoveinns.com,. You find out which ones work best in your area by doing a Google for the words people would use to find a B & B in your area. Look at the ones that come up on the first page and consider the ones on the second page - pretty much forget the rest.
I don't know about your Blackberry but I can use my HTC Pro smart phone to book a room when I'm out and about. I use SuperInn for my availability and guest reservation system. I've only had to do this a couple of times and that was when I was at a meeting and it was a admin assistant booking a business stay for her boss. Usually, if someone calls when I'm running an errand, I can get them to book online by telling them that it's secure and I also offer $10 off per night for booking online.
I use RezovationGT (switched after using SuperInn for several years) It is a complete guest management system (including bookkeeping and credit card processing) and when paired with the booking engine it is fully functional as an online reservation system.
Remoting in from another computer is pretty easy using LogMeIn.com I am not sure whether logmein works using a Blackberry or not.
I see you folks quoting the names of the tools you use all the time and. as an aspiring, I am curious about this aspect of the business. Wondering if it would be different for Canadian B & B owners ....
Webervations, Rezovations, etc are all international. I would guess that if it is offered here, it is offered in Canada. The Directories are all international - the main ones anyway: bedandbreakfast.com, bbonline.com, iLoveinns.com,. You find out which ones work best in your area by doing a Google for the words people would use to find a B & B in your area. Look at the ones that come up on the first page and consider the ones on the second page - pretty much forget the rest.
gillumhouse said:
You find out which ones work best in your area by doing a Google for the words people would use to find a B & B in your area. Look at the ones that come up on the first page and consider the ones on the second page - pretty much forget the rest.
That's logical advice Gillumhouse!
Here is something to add...
If I began my B&B today knowing what I know, I would go for RezOvations GT - the whole ball of wax. Unfortunately, I am already engulfed in my other systems and cannot change now midstream. I won't get a new processor either for the cc machine, it is one of those 'not completely broke so not fixing it' scenarios. But life would be MUCH EASIER and SMOOTHER and EFFICIENT with RezOvations in place.