Ugh! An Unwanted Visitor...

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
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Came home from a show. Guest arriving (self-check-in) as we get home... and there is a guy, under the stairs with a needle. CRAP. Never seen this before. Get in, call the cops. Cops come, trying to get him out... another guest with an eight year-old comes in, sees my shame. I want to crawl up and die!
Glad you saw it and handled it. Imagine if guests arrived and saw it and did NOT see your shame! They'd assume it was the norm. Very lucky you were there to take care of the situation. Probably a one-time thing.
I am so sorry. It is a scourge that has invaded everywhere. At least your guest knows you do not tolerate this - you call the authorities. May it be the first AND the last time this happens there.
Ugh! Like you, I would have been horrified. You handled the situation well and your guests saw that. Well done.
how did he get in? did someone leave the door open or something? This is one of the things that drives me mad people leaving the doors unlocked! My town has a massive tramp problem due to a massive program of feeding them so I worry about getting up and finding one asleep in the lounge.
Ugh! Like you, I would have been horrified. You handled the situation well and your guests saw that. Well done..
Breakfast Diva said:
Ugh! Like you, I would have been horrified. You handled the situation well and your guests saw that. Well done.
Totally agree. Horrible situation, good job you were there.
Holy cow! That's awful in so many ways. It's your home and it's violation of your peace and tranquility.
how did he get in? did someone leave the door open or something? This is one of the things that drives me mad people leaving the doors unlocked! My town has a massive tramp problem due to a massive program of feeding them so I worry about getting up and finding one asleep in the lounge..
Jcam said:
how did he get in? did someone leave the door open or something? This is one of the things that drives me mad people leaving the doors unlocked! My town has a massive tramp problem due to a massive program of feeding them so I worry about getting up and finding one asleep in the lounge.
Not inside. Under the stairs outside the building. They've got a long flight of stairs outside.
Sorry Gen, glad you saw it and were able to deal with it. I hope the rest of your your week is full of less surprises.
Glad you saw it and handled it. Imagine if guests arrived and saw it and did NOT see your shame! They'd assume it was the norm. Very lucky you were there to take care of the situation. Probably a one-time thing..
I hope so. The police were out there with him a good half hour that I saw... maybe longer, I had to go to sleep. Took them a while to get him out and then had him sitting on some stones in front of our garden.
The first thing we heard them do was try to get him to identify where the syringe was. They know there are children in the neighbourhood, so they wanted to make sure that it wasn't left there (the police have kits to handle it, if need be.)
The only thing that I can say is a real upside is that these policemen were actually trained to handle it, because they talked him out of there and onward. I know it's very different elsewhere, but we don't usually arrest and prosecute this kind of thing... they usually try to help. But it was nice seeing that they were concerned about the syringe and ensuring that it wasn't left there. And they did come rather quickly.
I really hope this is the last time I have to deal with this. I already have a light the turns on when someone enters the area, but he was totally out of it, of course, so even that didn't deter him.
Glad you saw it and handled it. Imagine if guests arrived and saw it and did NOT see your shame! They'd assume it was the norm. Very lucky you were there to take care of the situation. Probably a one-time thing..
I hope so. The police were out there with him a good half hour that I saw... maybe longer, I had to go to sleep. Took them a while to get him out and then had him sitting on some stones in front of our garden.
The first thing we heard them do was try to get him to identify where the syringe was. They know there are children in the neighbourhood, so they wanted to make sure that it wasn't left there (the police have kits to handle it, if need be.)
The only thing that I can say is a real upside is that these policemen were actually trained to handle it, because they talked him out of there and onward. I know it's very different elsewhere, but we don't usually arrest and prosecute this kind of thing... they usually try to help. But it was nice seeing that they were concerned about the syringe and ensuring that it wasn't left there. And they did come rather quickly.
Ugh, is right. Glad he is gone and hope this is just a one time thing - never again!
Fortunately most large city police are trained to deal with this of course some do it better than others.

Oh no! Glad it all ended well and hope its the last. How about some nice white crisscross fencing under the stairs?