Trip Insurance - Anyone Offer It?

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2012
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Anyone offer Trip Insurance as part of their booking process?
Two years ago at a travel show I tried to get a Trip Insurance company to partner with me about offering a link on my booking page to let guests buy trip insurance for their stay -- with us getting a small commission on the sale. They seemed very eager, but never followed up after the show and I moved on to more pressing crises.
While it appears that the current potential pandemic wouldn't be included in such coverage, it still got me thinking I'd like to revisit this. Anyone out there offer Trip Insurance when folks book?
I have a little blurb about the value of trip insurance, and a link to the company I use when I travel myself, but I don't have any agreement with them or anything. If they click the link, it opens the insurance website in a new window.
Step out and be the first! Another reason for someone to book your place over the others.
In FL it's illegal for me to "partner" .... work with any insurance company and get a "kickback" for referral or use. Believe me, I looked hard at it.
Arks .... can you toss that link up?.
BTW said:
Arks .... can you toss that link up?
The one I use is
They let you compare several travel insurance companies and plans side-by-side and make a choice.