Today's tasks

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Maybe you have an idea what I spent today doing, given the questions I have been asking! I went thru 4 months' of emails from directory after directory. I have updated this, joined that, deleted the other. I'm exhausted. I have so much more to do on the updating (my website, my directory listings) that I need a plan to do this weekly in the future. X directory in the first week of the month, Y directory the second, etc.
The sheer number of 'join us!' emails we get in a day could bury us. And then the local associations and what they want. The list is unbelievable. (Take note aspirings, you could hire a marketing person!) I am the one who handles the inn email. I have seriously considered forwarding EVERY request to my better half so he can be buried under this avalanche as well!
Last night I went thru the emails and wrote down every website that wanted my $$$. I nixed a few because they are set up to auto renew every year. Nope, got suckered into that one a few years ago for a site that brought zip, zero, nada for referrals.
The tough part in all of this is writing compelling blurbs to go on each site. Which pix to choose? Need new pix (again).
I got thru a lot. There's more for after dinner and again tomorrow.
Oh, I didn't mention breakfast and room cleaning and all of our laundry & inn laundry and late arriving guests...I was just going over the marketing list! And I think the later arrivals are here! Jammie time!
Keep calling...get that massage!
Eeeewwww!! I've had those days where I had to deal with email and website stuff ALL darn day long. Yeesh!!!!
But not today! I'm sewing pinch pleated lined drapes for the entire salon (living room). It took me 4 days just to cut the fabric and lining, and the match the fabric's horizontal and vertical repeat pattern and then make sure that pattern is the same going around the entire room. I'll be so happy when this is done!
Hurricane season is over November 30, and I've got returning guests December 1 for B&B - they come once a month for a week during the winter month. I've got about 60 days left to complete all my projects during the off season.
I have been working all afternoon on emails, phone calls, and putting up a new directory listing. I don't know how you got all that done!
I spent the morning watering lawns, bathing a dog, and doing some outside stuff. And I have no guests.
I have only crossed off 2 items on my to-do list for today.
I will be up late.
And I have an early breakfast speaker meeting, too.
Whew! You all seem pretty busy! My husband and I also flip and build homes for others so I have to be a time watcher. I did make a recipe called Cinnamom Puffins tonight which would be a great little breakfast item with homemade preserves. I am learning so much from this site. Keep it coming!
I think I will take my day over yours. A breakfast for 2, trip to the bank, 5 loads of laundry, taking care of some City business,trimming hedges, got the bottom sheet on the bed, did a certificate for an annual freebie, and now have o go in the kitchen to make herb bread for the Farmer's Market and the #$%^& chocolate pudding to make DH happy (he is pouting because I will not come watch a tape of Masterpiece from Sunday). I am tired. Have to make an appointment with the dreded ironing board also.
My d-i-l gave me a certificate for a massage. I am sooooo tight today that I remembered to call to make an appointment to use it. Got answering machine this morning, left message, no call back, called again this afternoon and answering machine again. I am not a happy camper. I do not have a big window of opportunity to do something for me and the PAID FOR certificate has an expire date on it of 10/31. She bought it in July! Wish I could do that.
Edited to say that I meant I would rather do what I did today than what Bree did.
I have been working all afternoon on emails, phone calls, and putting up a new directory listing. I don't know how you got all that done!
I spent the morning watering lawns, bathing a dog, and doing some outside stuff. And I have no guests.
I have only crossed off 2 items on my to-do list for today.
I will be up late.
And I have an early breakfast speaker meeting, too..
I had 2 walk-ins last night so twice the work this morning than I had planned. So, the price isn't scaring everyone, just the other 2 lookie lous who left and went elsewhere! At least the walk-ins are still in town.
Whew! You all seem pretty busy! My husband and I also flip and build homes for others so I have to be a time watcher. I did make a recipe called Cinnamom Puffins tonight which would be a great little breakfast item with homemade preserves. I am learning so much from this site. Keep it coming!.
Post the recipe in the recipe section...sounds interesting!
I have been working all afternoon on emails, phone calls, and putting up a new directory listing. I don't know how you got all that done!
I spent the morning watering lawns, bathing a dog, and doing some outside stuff. And I have no guests.
I have only crossed off 2 items on my to-do list for today.
I will be up late.
And I have an early breakfast speaker meeting, too..
I had 2 walk-ins last night so twice the work this morning than I had planned. So, the price isn't scaring everyone, just the other 2 lookie lous who left and went elsewhere! At least the walk-ins are still in town.
Great, congratulations! Now, I know who I can call to lend me some money

I have been working all afternoon on emails, phone calls, and putting up a new directory listing. I don't know how you got all that done!
I spent the morning watering lawns, bathing a dog, and doing some outside stuff. And I have no guests.
I have only crossed off 2 items on my to-do list for today.
I will be up late.
And I have an early breakfast speaker meeting, too..
I had 2 walk-ins last night so twice the work this morning than I had planned. So, the price isn't scaring everyone, just the other 2 lookie lous who left and went elsewhere! At least the walk-ins are still in town.
Great, congratulations! Now, I know who I can call to lend me some money

I need 15 more room nights in addition to what I already have booked to even TIE last year. And last year I took 3 days off in Sept to see the new grandbaby. This is killing me...
I have been working all afternoon on emails, phone calls, and putting up a new directory listing. I don't know how you got all that done!
I spent the morning watering lawns, bathing a dog, and doing some outside stuff. And I have no guests.
I have only crossed off 2 items on my to-do list for today.
I will be up late.
And I have an early breakfast speaker meeting, too..
I had 2 walk-ins last night so twice the work this morning than I had planned. So, the price isn't scaring everyone, just the other 2 lookie lous who left and went elsewhere! At least the walk-ins are still in town.
Great, congratulations! Now, I know who I can call to lend me some money

I need 15 more room nights in addition to what I already have booked to even TIE last year. And last year I took 3 days off in Sept to see the new grandbaby. This is killing me...
Well, I will keep my fingers crossed for you and get over my envy. haha!
Hang in there!