been reading the comments regarding some folks wanting discount or last minute deals for some time.....
it realy bothers me...
I get it to........yes, a different's all the same, none the less.....I don't get insulted or peeved anymore.......I get serious and flat out tell them......1- I couldn't do what I do for anything less, if I did. You would not be happy with the results......2- there is an expense to operating a business. "Legaly".......They persist.......I have options.........I could thank them for their time and tell them that we are obviously not a good fit for what you want, so you can call someone else...........or, we can remove things from the program to suite your budget.
I am not discounting for the sake of one should..
Totally guilty of asking a landscaper if there was any fat built into the plan. He said he could lay the whole thing out, bring the plants and I could put them in. Or I could get smaller plants.
The tough part with that is I like to get the yard done before Mem Day. Right after Mem Day, everything I bought 2 days prior goes on sale for 25% off, so there IS some fat built in! And if you're on the mailing list there's a discount.
I'm not averse to a little back and forth on the pricing. It's the folks who think knocking 1/3 off the price is ok who get to me. I would never expect anyone to drop their prices by 1/3. If I go into the garden store and drop $200 on annuals, a little perk would be nice. Even a free plant. A little one.
I need to build a little fat into my prices I guess. It'll take the sting out.