Suddenly, the bottom feeders are out

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2012
Reaction score
Getting a lot of inquiries lately, most through my airbnb channel, with guests asking if we'll take less or make them a deal for their stay. Guess they smell blood or fear.
My advice and policy is the one I've had since Day 1 as an innkeeper: Never, never, never, never apologize for your rates.
Amen. Can't stand them. I'd be tempted to tell them you're charging them extra for the risk they bring to you, and all the extra cleaning you have to do. PPE fee!
In our early days I soon learned that folks who wanted a deal or cut rate were always a problem, today you want cheap I’m glad to suggest a place that is cheap
Today, while explaining our amenities, view, proximity to the beach, front porch, stuff like that, I was asked my lowest rate. My response, “ oh, if you’re looking for price, I suggest you phone Other Inn. Their number is xxx. Bye.”
I don't do discounts. They lead to nothing but regrets.
I don't do discounts. They lead to nothing but regrets..
Generic said:
I don't do discounts. They lead to nothing but regrets.
Absolutely. Every single time!