Nothing on back burner, my pots are boiling! DH needs 2 hips replace,has been off work for 2 months now and still waiting for the hips but they need to take care of his heart first. Found out he has AFib, and then blockage. He has high blood pressure and that is all out of wack, so they can't do anything till that's all taken care of. Going to have to cancel our cruise because he won't be in any shape to take it. Oh and not to mention we are getting the house in another city ready to sell. With all this, it has all been a blessing. We have had the best year yet at the b&b. He quit smoking. AND. . . shhhh he may never go back to work! So keep him in your prayers so we can take 2 cruises next year and enjoy retirement at our little place. And bless you Kathleen, everything he starts to act like HIMSELF, I think of you and if you can do it so can I..
Bless you. Resist the urge to "baby him" or you will be sucked in for the rest of your life. Watch the green veggies - unless he is like himself and they are the mainstay of his diet in which case maintain a level do meds are adjusted for it.
Remember this Spring when he lost his keys at the hospital? I had several things happening that day so left him to get his scan & went back to get him. He always wanted his keys when I parked the car and went in to wait for him to be taken in.
Today we were going to a high elevation (where the motorcycle event takes place) for him to see a tire pattern for the 2017 painting for the event. I took one of my jackets from the hall closet to wear today because it was cool here so would be cold there. Pockets were heavy so checked to see what I had stuffed in them. Found some change, several pens, Kleenex, and his KEYS. We must have been expecting guests because I had hung the jacket in the closet instead of the usual fling over a chair and had not worn it since. What makes me sick about it was the $160+ to make & program the new car key and the $40 to buy a new lock box (since I bought a new box they did not charge me for picking the lock on the old one - I think they were busy out of their minds and just wanted us to go away.)