She cheated!!

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2013
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Repeat customer, full price, always comes for just one night on their way to their Maine vacation.
When she booked, she said she 'might' need the rollaway bed. Fine. We don't advertise it and don't like it, but we have it.
When she showed up, she had four people. Rollaway-boy brought his girlfriend.
DH told them 4 wouldn't fit. They insisted they would make it work. Three in the bed and one in the rollaway. (yuck, Mom, Dad, grown son and girlfriend.)
Anyway, he charged the extra $25 per person for $50 extra bucks on our most expensive room. Whatever. They paid, they stayed, today they go away.
Good Lord! And a repeat, no less? That takes guts. I think I might have used the fire marshal excuse for that - "sorry, Fire Marshal says no more than three per room, but we do have another room available!"
Good Lord! And a repeat, no less? That takes guts. I think I might have used the fire marshal excuse for that - "sorry, Fire Marshal says no more than three per room, but we do have another room available!".
I suggested that but DH just said, "It's only for one night. Their problem, not mine."
He is a very good host. Bends over backwards whenever possible. But he was also giggling at how uncomfortable these folks would be.
Good Lord! And a repeat, no less? That takes guts. I think I might have used the fire marshal excuse for that - "sorry, Fire Marshal says no more than three per room, but we do have another room available!".
I suggested that but DH just said, "It's only for one night. Their problem, not mine."
He is a very good host. Bends over backwards whenever possible. But he was also giggling at how uncomfortable these folks would be.
I'm actually surprised that none of the innkeepers has yet had a thruple check in.