Renting space for parties.

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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So, I'm a bit behind in my emails so I just read the one from iloveinns where the innkeeper is renting out her common space (with use of the bathroom in one guestroom) for the price of the room. Innkeeper says 'it's no work at all' to do this as the 'party' brings all their own food and plates, etc. She rents the space to them for the time between check out and check in and has the room they used for a bathroom ready to go for the check in.
This bothers me on so many levels. 'No work at all?' Doesn't she have to get the guest rooms cleaned? How about cleaning the guest room bathroom and straightening up the common spaces?
However, I think it's a great idea. Renting out the space for the price of a room makes it so easy. She doesn't provide food and if they want coffee & tea service or to use her things she charges extra.
I'm trying to think how I could make this work here. OK in the off season, I think, as early arrivals are at a minimum.
I nearly fell of my chair laughing at that! When you hold a function they get the run of the house, they are paying for it, right? The cleaning and work and attention YOU MUST PROVIDE them does not allow YOU to do anything else. They expect YOU to be available, they call, call call - even call from the parking lot "where do we come in" "honey show us the restrooms, I can't go up those stairs!" etc etc. Even if you have a point person who you have given all this info to.
I nearly fell of my chair laughing at that! When you hold a function they get the run of the house, they are paying for it, right? The cleaning and work and attention YOU MUST PROVIDE them does not allow YOU to do anything else. They expect YOU to be available, they call, call call - even call from the parking lot "where do we come in" "honey show us the restrooms, I can't go up those stairs!" etc etc. Even if you have a point person who you have given all this info to..
That's what I thought. And yet her take on it was that she doesn't even know they're in the house. With a full check out or even a partial check out, we'd be hauling everything past them. So I figured she must have a separate common space and a housekeeper.
Gosh just the little grannies trying to be HELPFUL would require your time. When we have had any event -smallish- it required way more than ONE OF ME to be on patrol.
Not sure my insurance co. would like this(James Wolf Insur.). My yard space/B&B area is for guest only.I would try to make more money without such liabilities.Mary in Bridgewater.
I have not read the email at this time. I am ROFL at the idea that it is NO work and for the cost of 1 room night??? You have got to be kidding!
Well, I guess it would depend on the USE of the space... I do rent my space on occasion.
If it was for a business meeting, they are usually very neat and quiet. Once they get started with the meeting, it is rare to have them need much of anything. (Typically, that is) We have someone come that will be our contact. If beverage service or anything is provided, it is set up proir to the meeting. We have a chock board with directions to the restroom. I rent this for $75 per hour, 2 hr. min. Includes set up, break down. Use of WiFi or other equip., linens, glasses, dishes... Additional charges for bev. service.
A party or social luncheon is all together a different animal. Lots of 'needy' people and energy needed for this. The cost for this is more because the cleanup is lots more work as well. One room night will not cover all the work, time, potential breakage, possible liability either. When I state my rental fees they try to say they will leave the place just as when they arrived... RIGHT! No sence even discussing this with them. If they will not pay my fee, they can just move on... I will not dicker over it, period. I do not allow pot lucks or home cooked foods, all catering must be done through a local, licenced caterer with a display of who supplied the catering. Contact states this as well as indemification for any food illness. In this sue happy world, you have to cover your a__ !
I guess it would depend on the cost of that one room. What is it a thousand a night?
What innkeeper in their right mind would think there is no work at all to parties of any kind? And to try to do them between checkout and checkin, using one guest room's bathroom?
Just craziness all around.
I have to admit, this forum is just so on top of things. I saw that from that directory and just deleted it, as it was so absurd. Then got another email newsletter from a diff directory boasting winning website design and the sample given ...well besides the resolution being old school and totally outdated and many other errors on the was not even funny. Nothing gets by "The Sieve."
hmmm ... i did rent out the big breakfast room for meetings. and they used the bathroom off the kitchen (my bathroom) they weren't a lot of trouble for me. but they weren't big parties requiring much from me.
i wouldn't want guests going in and out of a guestroom to use the bathroom and then renting that room that night? did i understand you correctly? guests might sit down on a bed, a chair, put their feet up, drop things, trash would be in the wastebasket, a used tissue or other things set down on table tops or desk. if someone had a headache, didn't feel well, surely they would lie down on top of the bed for a while. plus the bathroom would have to be completely cleaned. so you'd have to clean the room, vacume, dust, freshen the air, maybe even change bed linens. surely not rent it as is - unless it was to one of the people who was at the meeting and understood that their room was being used this way. in which case, they'd be paying two room rental fees.