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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2015
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We have been asked buy our fellow innmate to do an article for another B&B forum about our renovation project next door. (Goes by Gil lives in WV)
For myself the total someone has spent is not useful information to me trying to do some reno
Was thinking of breaking that aspect down to say windows, roof, a bathroom, - bargain hunting and so on - unexpected challenges and so on.
What would you - be interested in?
Was thinking ballpark, not exact. Exact is no one's biz. Thought this would give other innkeepers an idea of costs if they were taking bids to do things. It helps to know (I think) if you are being given a decent, good, or outrageous bid. And, I think you are correct in thinking parts rather than whole.
I'd be interesting in the personal aspect. How does it affect your relationship? Your social life? Your guests who have to be there during?
And do you give discounts to guests during?
One more, how big a difference the end product makes to the business.
Was thinking ballpark, not exact. Exact is no one's biz. Thought this would give other innkeepers an idea of costs if they were taking bids to do things. It helps to know (I think) if you are being given a decent, good, or outrageous bid. And, I think you are correct in thinking parts rather than whole..
I always think well you never know what people have splurged on or cheaped out on with a total figure
DH has a very expensive sink in one bathroom - never again its been a nightmare but would never say that was any indication of what we spent on other bathrooms in the place!
I would also put in the trouble finding good tradesmen - ie we had 4 joiners out to get quotes - 2 months later still waiting for 3 of the 4 to provide a quote - chap who is a 1 man band and has a small child (18 months) to feed and cloth turned up, quoted and is doing an amazing job we were a bit wary as we were in a tricky situation as plumbers we having to do their own joinery work which was slowing them down - now we are zooming on! and luckily he worked out great - found him through a facebook recommendation - so power of social media marketing works
I think the cost amount would be irrelevant since the costs change dramatically from region to region and country to country.
Personal experiences with the highs and lows of living through renos are much more innsightful.
If it's US-based info, I'd say to look on homeadvisor for quotes. Of course, like any other directory, not everyone is one there, but in one instance (with an emergency) we had one guy say he'd be out to 'have a look' that afternoon. 3 days later he still wasn't here and not a word from him. I looked on homeadvisor and had someone here 10 minutes after I called. They were just leaving as the other guy pulled in. He was pissed we didn't wait for him. Hello, it was an exposed incoming power line. We needed him the week before and gave him 3 days to contact us.
If it's US-based info, I'd say to look on homeadvisor for quotes. Of course, like any other directory, not everyone is one there, but in one instance (with an emergency) we had one guy say he'd be out to 'have a look' that afternoon. 3 days later he still wasn't here and not a word from him. I looked on homeadvisor and had someone here 10 minutes after I called. They were just leaving as the other guy pulled in. He was pissed we didn't wait for him. Hello, it was an exposed incoming power line. We needed him the week before and gave him 3 days to contact us..
Uk based - what I find works best is a local facebook group called mytown grumbler lots of good people.
My town we struggle for tradespeople as property prices are so high and they won't give self employed a mortgage very easily and landlords are wary of it so they are in a rock and a hard place despite commanding good wages ie Joiner is $162 a day, handyman $150 as lowest skilled. plumber is $175 and my plumbers work 5 days a week plus call out for regulars make a ruddy fortune. I have spent the last 7 years building a good team but we havn't had any wood work done despite my really wanting all the bedroom doors replaced its been on the back burner of the priority list.
I think the cost amount would be irrelevant since the costs change dramatically from region to region and country to country.
Personal experiences with the highs and lows of living through renos are much more innsightful..
my thought as well is as a couple - who gets the last say? who get a choice ? im lucky DH has good if expensive and impractical taste but what if you have a partner who as my Grandmother would say "I wouldn't let decorate the outside toilet of someone I didn't like"?
I think the cost amount would be irrelevant since the costs change dramatically from region to region and country to country.
Personal experiences with the highs and lows of living through renos are much more innsightful..
Breakfast Diva said:
I think the cost amount would be irrelevant since the costs change dramatically from region to region and country to country.
Personal experiences with the highs and lows of living through renos are much more innsightful.
We watch all those home shows. Really? You can have an entire kitchen installed for $3000? Are the cabinets made out of paper? $3000 wouldn't touch the countertops around here, much less cabinets, sinks, appliances, hardware, flooring, etc.
I think the cost amount would be irrelevant since the costs change dramatically from region to region and country to country.
Personal experiences with the highs and lows of living through renos are much more innsightful..
Breakfast Diva said:
I think the cost amount would be irrelevant since the costs change dramatically from region to region and country to country.
Personal experiences with the highs and lows of living through renos are much more innsightful.
We watch all those home shows. Really? You can have an entire kitchen installed for $3000? Are the cabinets made out of paper? $3000 wouldn't touch the countertops around here, much less cabinets, sinks, appliances, hardware, flooring, etc.
$3000 here will get you really cheap chipboard cupboard and formica tops and installed by a home improvement shop with a cheap design service - will not include lighting, cooker, hood, anything electrical and cheapest quality. if you have time they often have very good sales so what we all do is get designed now then wait for the sale to buy can be up to 50% off. - oh and a really cheap plastic sink - no flooring either
Was thinking ballpark, not exact. Exact is no one's biz. Thought this would give other innkeepers an idea of costs if they were taking bids to do things. It helps to know (I think) if you are being given a decent, good, or outrageous bid. And, I think you are correct in thinking parts rather than whole..
I think also for people that havn't tackeled a particular thing - ie we have never had anything skimmed ie replastered before - now I love it! much less trouble than papering dodgy walls - not clean but fast and permanent!
This is for an online magazine for UK innkeepers. What aspects of the reno would you be interested in her covering if you were going to read it. The where to look for tradesmen is excellent. I think that is a problem everywhere since the push became 'go to college' or you are a nobody.
This is for an online magazine for UK innkeepers. What aspects of the reno would you be interested in her covering if you were going to read it. The where to look for tradesmen is excellent. I think that is a problem everywhere since the push became 'go to college' or you are a nobody..
gillumhouse said:
I think that is a problem everywhere since the push became 'go to college' or you are a nobody.
I think that's a regional thing. Around here you're dirt if you've been to college. You're considered a useless drain on society. Gomez 'passes' because he was in the Navy. I'm not accepted in his crowd of cronies.
Bathrooms from dream to plan to finish. Supply and waste lines - venting and drains and how it all works is a mystery to many. In our early days I poured over extensive books and articles (the net was still new) so we could do as much as possible ourselves plus know exactly what we wanted someone else to do.
This is for an online magazine for UK innkeepers. What aspects of the reno would you be interested in her covering if you were going to read it. The where to look for tradesmen is excellent. I think that is a problem everywhere since the push became 'go to college' or you are a nobody..
gillumhouse said:
I think that is a problem everywhere since the push became 'go to college' or you are a nobody.
I think that's a regional thing. Around here you're dirt if you've been to college. You're considered a useless drain on society. Gomez 'passes' because he was in the Navy. I'm not accepted in his crowd of cronies.
the older generation are struggling with the concept UNI means you are just the same as everyone else and does not mean a good job and can be an over qualification for many jobs here. DH's grandad has 5 grandkids - 2 went and 2 didn't - the 2 that didn't are the more successful and it baffels him!
they have suddently realised we are desperate for trades but they don't qualify over night so we are about 1 year into starting again - ie so 3 years behind of having anyone useful!
If I was in your area I would want to know who did the jobs you hired out and if you thought they did a good job. Places where you got good deals. Funny stories about how a job went or didn't go, etc. Before and after pictures. (You did get those pictures right?)
If I was in your area I would want to know who did the jobs you hired out and if you thought they did a good job. Places where you got good deals. Funny stories about how a job went or didn't go, etc. Before and after pictures. (You did get those pictures right?).
lots of pics of plumbers down holes in the floor, things I didn't know you apparently can't put plaster board in skips? all has to be disposed of separately with a person with a special license - stuff like that became a super pain as you have to collect it all together till its worth a pick up, keep it dry etc so its always messy and in the way.