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Parents weekend is this coming weekend and the College has many large posters on campus about all the the bottom of the poster is. ..that they are giving away" FREE T -SHITS".If you want one come on down ,I think I'll pass on this one.Mary in Bridgewater.
( its SHIRTS without the R.)
My husband is a bad speller. He's a Mechanical Engineer and designes multi-million dollar equipment....he spells it like he hears it. One example is cheez. He does know how to spell all his mechanical words though......
I have a son that spells like your husband, except, he never spells the same word the same way twice

My husband is a bad speller. He's a Mechanical Engineer and designes multi-million dollar equipment....he spells it like he hears it. One example is cheez. He does know how to spell all his mechanical words though......
I have a son that spells like your husband, except, he never spells the same word the same way twice

Your kids are still teens, right? My son didn't learn to spell until college. Not for want of trying, he just didn't get it.
My husband is a bad speller. He's a Mechanical Engineer and designes multi-million dollar equipment....he spells it like he hears it. One example is cheez. He does know how to spell all his mechanical words though......
I have a son that spells like your husband, except, he never spells the same word the same way twice

Your kids are still teens, right? My son didn't learn to spell until college. Not for want of trying, he just didn't get it.
that is very good to know. Oh the trials and tribulations ...
My husband is a bad speller. He's a Mechanical Engineer and designes multi-million dollar equipment....he spells it like he hears it. One example is cheez. He does know how to spell all his mechanical words though......
I have a son that spells like your husband, except, he never spells the same word the same way twice

Your kids are still teens, right? My son didn't learn to spell until college. Not for want of trying, he just didn't get it.
Can we blame it on the hooked on phonics method of teaching?
My husband is a bad speller. He's a Mechanical Engineer and designes multi-million dollar equipment....he spells it like he hears it. One example is cheez. He does know how to spell all his mechanical words though......
No one can spell cheese because of Cheez-its!
My mechanical engineer husband once spelled our daughters name wrong - forgot the H in Meghan!!! I think it was just old age tho!
My husband is a bad speller. He's a Mechanical Engineer and designes multi-million dollar equipment....he spells it like he hears it. One example is cheez. He does know how to spell all his mechanical words though......
I have a son that spells like your husband, except, he never spells the same word the same way twice

Your kids are still teens, right? My son didn't learn to spell until college. Not for want of trying, he just didn't get it.
Can we blame it on the hooked on phonics method of teaching?
yes - let's

My husband is a bad speller. He's a Mechanical Engineer and designes multi-million dollar equipment....he spells it like he hears it. One example is cheez. He does know how to spell all his mechanical words though......
No one can spell cheese because of Cheez-its!
My mechanical engineer husband once spelled our daughters name wrong - forgot the H in Meghan!!! I think it was just old age tho!
suellen222 said:
No one can spell cheese because of Cheez-its!
My mechanical engineer husband once spelled our daughters name wrong - forgot the H in Meghan!!! I think it was just old age tho!
i had a job as a proofreader a few years ago (yes me, queen of all lower case letters) ... it made mistakes all the more noticeable to me during that time. i learned that our brains sometimes correct mistakes that we see ... adn becomes and ... and we let it pass. not always, not everyone ... fascinating stuff.
the trouble with spell check is that to, two and too are all valid spellings, but which one is the correct one for your sentence?.
seashanty said:
the trouble with spell check is that to, two and too are all valid spellings, but which one is the correct one for your sentence?
The one that drives me crazy is it's versus its. I stopped advertising in a regional rag because they just couldn't seem to get that right on our local ad pages.
My mother was an English teacher and I used to help her correct papers for senior high English. Now I sometimes see papers from the local University students and I'm horrified by the spelling and grammar.
haha my mom used to teach high school business classes. every term, there was a particular letter they had to write. and grading the papers, she would write RAT and 'see me' in big red letters on so many papers. and the girls would come to her and say 'why did you write RAT on my paper?' it was to help them learn how to spell congratulations. it was very effective.
I think in the future we can expect poor spelling and poor letter writers as TEXTing becomes more and more popular.
Or people that say "can you borrow that book to me?" NO - I can LEND it TO you, and you can BORROW it FROM me, but I CAN'T borrow it to you! My finding is that it is mainly a Minnesota thing (I love Minnesotans - I married one, but they are really bad at this one!)
Spelling bees....we love to tell the story in our family of my sister who was so flustered at one that when asked to spell the word "of" she said "o" "v" - very embarassed to this day!.
You can tell her that there is a reading 'test' that has you count the number of 'F's' in a paragraph. Very few people count the 'f' in 'of' because they hear it rather than see it.
Bree, I've seen this one...years ago - if you find it post it - I think people here would get a kick out of it. I will search my archives too...I used to save stuff like that!
Or people that say "can you borrow that book to me?" NO - I can LEND it TO you, and you can BORROW it FROM me, but I CAN'T borrow it to you! My finding is that it is mainly a Minnesota thing (I love Minnesotans - I married one, but they are really bad at this one!)
Spelling bees....we love to tell the story in our family of my sister who was so flustered at one that when asked to spell the word "of" she said "o" "v" - very embarassed to this day!.
You can tell her that there is a reading 'test' that has you count the number of 'F's' in a paragraph. Very few people count the 'f' in 'of' because they hear it rather than see it.
Bree, I've seen this one...years ago - if you find it post it - I think people here would get a kick out of it. I will search my archives too...I used to save stuff like that!
Here's one...
Finished files are the result
of years of scientific study
combined with the experience
of years...
It's called using a spell checker and a PC and not worrying about it. Doesn't worry me one bit, mispell all you wish. This, of all places, should not be a place we have to be overly concerned about it. Nowhutimean?
It's called using a spell checker and a PC and not worrying about it. Doesn't worry me one bit, mispell all you wish. This, of all places, should not be a place we have to be overly concerned about it. Nowhutimean?.
Joey Bloggs said:
yes. But it's so much fun to be cranky about it.

It's called using a spell checker and a PC and not worrying about it. Doesn't worry me one bit, mispell all you wish. This, of all places, should not be a place we have to be overly concerned about it. Nowhutimean?.
Joey B, I think if you read the original SS post you will see it is not this site she is concerned about - if you misspell something on a site that everyone sees - like TA - you might come off looking a little less than smart. The rest of us just had fun with misspelled words that got our rankles up!
It's called using a spell checker and a PC and not worrying about it. Doesn't worry me one bit, mispell all you wish. This, of all places, should not be a place we have to be overly concerned about it. Nowhutimean?.
Joey B, I think if you read the original SS post you will see it is not this site she is concerned about - if you misspell something on a site that everyone sees - like TA - you might come off looking a little less than smart. The rest of us just had fun with misspelled words that got our rankles up!
Yes, I did read it and per usual the sidetracking of the forum (or as we say it is like trying to herd cats to stay on topic).
Sometimes I laugh as no matter what is posted on here it goes negatory fast. People start discussing what irks them or rankles them (your word).
Stuff that can be super useful gets nay-sayed and picked apart. Like the tips on service - take it or leave it, it is good information. Not everyone in this business has hospitality experience and some might actually learn something from it.
If it is posted there is always 2 for 2 against. It boggles the mind really. I posted info on what Krispy Kreme did wrong with their business (not their recipe) and people talk about not liking the taste of Krispy Kreme. UGH. To each his own.

It's not just the management responses that are misspelled. I've never seen so many spellings for 'immaculate' before TA!
yes, this forum is casual and i'm not worried about spelling and grammar here. (like my lack of cap's which might bug some) the ta site is going to be seen by potential guests and it's often linked to and quoted on the b&b websites themselves.
no herding of cats allowed.

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