Heard back from Tom. Here is what he had to say. This is the first I've heard about this type of product myself. I'm checking a few other sources. Honestly, at $6/month seems like a steal to me... however I would be VERY interested in the fine print... For instance, if you get audited, and you have not done the proper scanning, have done your own PCI audit, etc. - would the insurance still cover you? I'm guessing they want you to go through the process of becoming secure. In addition - the scanning services are extra, etc. Either way - interesting product.
Also, the info looks a little old. For instance - the PABP standard they mention expired already. The new standard in effective is called PA-DSS and is even more stringent. Applications with PABP are fine for a couple years, but they are not certifying anyone new on this.
I'm still getting up to speed on this so I think the best thing to do to get some education is go to PAI's website, http://www.paicustomerinfo.com and click on "PAI Secure" to learn the basics. V/MC/Amex/Disc are trying to upgrade security at each individual property that accepts credit cards. There are different rules and regulations detailing what and how credit card information may or may not be stored. I submitted "RezOvations" to PAI three weeks ago to have them check your system and haven't heard back...yet. I will call again on Friday to get an update. PAI is charging $5.95 per month per business as a PCI Compliance Fee starting October 1, 2008. This comes to $71.40 per year. This basically pays for a $50,000.00 insurance policy "IF" any account has a "breach" of security and a forensic investigation is required by Visa and/or MasterCard. I have been told the average forensic investigation costs between $20,000 - $40,000, is paid for by the merchant and is required by Visa and MasterCard in the event of a possible breach of security. "Our" $5.95 a month compares to other processors that are charging, (from statements I have seen), $12.95 a month, $9.95 a month, and one who charges $119.75 for a year. Even though this program was in the planning stage since 2004, it took me totally by surprise as a client called and told me about it rather than my company calling and telling me! That's what I get for being an "independent contractor" to PAI rather than an employee. But my clients are much better off as I can set my own rates as an independent contractor rather than an employee.
I'll give more info as I get it. Best Regards,
Tom Weiskotten.