Ouch! Three bad reviews in one morning

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
After a season and a half of nothing but good reviews, we got our first three bad ones in one sitting!
We didn't dry off the outdoor tables and chairs after the rain.
We put out boring scrambled eggs like any La Quinta. (fyi, we advertise continental breakfast, so to most people, hot food is a nice surprise.)
We weren't friendly enough. Didn't ask them where they were from.
We hesitated when asked if she could sit in a different chair than the 8 already sitting on the 'beach.' (That was me. She wanted a chair from our private patio rather than the ones already set out on the koi pond beach. I hesitated thinking, "why does she want a plastic Adirondack chair when we have good wooden ones available and should I go get it or let her move it herself and should I just say, oh sorry, that is our private area which is why it has a sign saying, 'private' right there where you are standing....I did eventually say should could borrow my plastic chair.)
There is construction across the street. Ok, guilty.
The shower is really small. Again, guilty. But the house is built in 1890.
Room was shabby. SHABBY??!!!! Who called my house 'shabby'??!!!!
I love this part. Proves you can't please some people. "Koi pond was nice, Chairs on deck were nice. Landscaping girl very nice. Bottom line, not worth your time, a good mile from town...(plenty of parking and wifi worked fine however.)"
Here is the final version of my response:
We are sorry you were disappointed with your one night stay. Our Town is lucky enough to have dozens of B&Bs, each with its own personality. from décor to breakfast presentation to location to amenities offered, there are choices for every taste. We understand it is often difficult to find exactly the inn that meets all your requirements in our very busy summer season. For next time, check out the website, theinnsofrockport and review the side by side comparison chart to find the B&B that best suits your idea of a great vacation. We're sure you'll find the perfect location on your next visit to our lovely seaside village.
Our house is an antique (1890) Captain's house, so the rooms all have their own personality. They range from cozy (small) to very spacious. We call our décor, "Beach house casual." We want our guests to feel at home and comfortable. Detailed descriptions of our rooms are available on our website.
Yes, construction at 7 am is unfortunate and of course, unavoidable. It's not a new house, just some changes to an existing cottage. Luckily it is temporary and the view is not affected.
We advertise a continental breakfast, and deliver an enhanced continental. We offer freshly cooked eggs, meats, pancakes or French toast along with the standard continental fare: coffee cake, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit, juices, milk and a nice variety of coffees and teas. At check in we invite our guests to a self-serve buffet breakfast at their convenience during a two hour window. (We don't like alarm clocks when we vacation, so we don't schedule specific breakfast times for our guests.)
Thank you for mentioning the koi pond and the wrap around front porch with ocean views. We are pleased you enjoyed them. And we love our landscape girl, too!
As far as friendliness, we are friendly, but try not to be intrusive. We want to give our guests personal quiet time to relax and unwind. I wish you'd stayed more than one night, so we could have had time for a more personal chat!
Often ...these review come from young visitors who have not been overseas or traveled little and not far... My best reviews have come from well traveled people . Just my observation after 13 yrs as a Innkeeper. ; )
I only see 2 on TA. So sorry, be prepared for your rating to drop to 4.5 and it will take at least another 10 5s to bring it back up. It's inevitable this time of year, I've been waking up this week checking immediately, am apprehensive about 2 people with minor unavoidable differences. Now have this TA guy who has booked 2 nights and wants to add a third only if I discount the room. I said no, wait at least until Thursday. It's high season here... why would I dramatically discount?
Your folks had preconceived notions... why can't people accept that every B&B is different with it's own merits? Geesh. That's the beauty.
Momma, the third is in Dutch. She's the one who asked for the chair.
I'm still wondering about that one. Gotta laugh. Around the koi pond, we have 6 wooden Adirondack chairs and two fiberglass/wicker chairs, plus an assortment of beach chairs.
Just up three stairs on the porch are three bistro sets plus a porch furniture seating set of love seat and two comfy chairs.
But no, she wants my private, plastic Adirondack chair. It's the only one that will do.
Momma, the third is in Dutch. She's the one who asked for the chair.
I'm still wondering about that one. Gotta laugh. Around the koi pond, we have 6 wooden Adirondack chairs and two fiberglass/wicker chairs, plus an assortment of beach chairs.
Just up three stairs on the porch are three bistro sets plus a porch furniture seating set of love seat and two comfy chairs.
But no, she wants my private, plastic Adirondack chair. It's the only one that will do..
Good grief, she stayed here, too! Had to have a different room at no extra cost. Had to have a different breakfast. Had to have what wasn't on offer.
Sorry you got hit so hard all at once. Take a breath and think about what you want to say. Then say something nice. ;-)
My response. (draft. haven't hit the button yet. too long winded?)
We are sorry you were disappointed with your one night stay and I wonder if maybe, if you'd done your homework,, you could have found a B&B more suitable to your preferences. Rockport is lucky enough to have dozens of B&Bs, each with its own personality. Some have plated multi-course breakfasts, some are known for their baked goods, some have the self-serve buffet we offer. Some are furnished with fine antiques, and some with beloved heirlooms. Some are in town, some have pools, some have ocean views. See the website, www.theinnsofrockport.com and review the side by side comparison chart to find the B&B that best suits your idea of a great vacation.
People love a detailed review and you gave them that! I guess I'll respond in kind.
House: We are an antique (1890) Captain's house, so the rooms all have their own personality. Some of the showers are stall showers. Two of our rooms have antique claw-foot tubs! The house across the street was already there, they are putting on an addition, so the effect on the view is minimal. But I agree, construction at 7 am can be annoying, unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about it. Luckily, it is temporary.
Breakfast: We advertise a continental breakfast and deliver an enhanced continental. At check in we invite our guests to a self-serve buffet breakfast. We offer freshly cooked eggs, meats, pancakes or French toast along with the standard continental fare, coffee cake, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit, juices, milk and a nice variety of coffees and teas.
Décor: We call it 'Beach house casual.' :)
Misc.: We love our koi pond and our front porch view and are pleased you were able to enjoy them too. And we love our landscape girl, too!
As far as friendliness, we do our best and it must have been an off day. Wish you'd stayed more than one night, so you could have gotten to know us better!
For the one in Dutch, apparently she thinks that you should be the Ritz! Seriously, that she calls you out for having to replenish something as if you were a slave?
If your breakfast is the way it is because of regs, then state it. We just got a review a few weeks ago by someone who had the wrong expectations. It's tough, but it's their expectations, versus what you advertise that's the reason for the rating, nothing you can do about their expectations.
Use the reply space to advertise yourselves by what you do right.
We weren't friendly enough. Didn't ask them where they were from.
As as soon as you ask somebody where they are from, they'll post, "Innkeeper was very nosy and asks personal questions."
Now I'm missing Jon Sable's head banging wall avatar.

I did not say that. Jon, I didn't mean it!
My response. (draft. haven't hit the button yet. too long winded?)
We are sorry you were disappointed with your one night stay and I wonder if maybe, if you'd done your homework,, you could have found a B&B more suitable to your preferences. Rockport is lucky enough to have dozens of B&Bs, each with its own personality. Some have plated multi-course breakfasts, some are known for their baked goods, some have the self-serve buffet we offer. Some are furnished with fine antiques, and some with beloved heirlooms. Some are in town, some have pools, some have ocean views. See the website, www.theinnsofrockport.com and review the side by side comparison chart to find the B&B that best suits your idea of a great vacation.
People love a detailed review and you gave them that! I guess I'll respond in kind.
House: We are an antique (1890) Captain's house, so the rooms all have their own personality. Some of the showers are stall showers. Two of our rooms have antique claw-foot tubs! The house across the street was already there, they are putting on an addition, so the effect on the view is minimal. But I agree, construction at 7 am can be annoying, unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about it. Luckily, it is temporary.
Breakfast: We advertise a continental breakfast and deliver an enhanced continental. At check in we invite our guests to a self-serve buffet breakfast. We offer freshly cooked eggs, meats, pancakes or French toast along with the standard continental fare, coffee cake, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit, juices, milk and a nice variety of coffees and teas.
Décor: We call it 'Beach house casual.' :)
Misc.: We love our koi pond and our front porch view and are pleased you were able to enjoy them too. And we love our landscape girl, too!
As far as friendliness, we do our best and it must have been an off day. Wish you'd stayed more than one night, so you could have gotten to know us better!.
I'd take out the part about doing your homework. Also, no links allowed in response.
What I'd do is skip anything that yells at the guest 'we can't help it if you can't read' and just go to the info section. Shorten that up by saying the info about our wonderful sea captain's house is quite extensive on our website, including our wonderful view and how far we are from town.
Definitely point out the construction is temporary. Leave out the part about what's being done.
Ask if the construction crew can start at 8. We had to do that here after jack hammers were fired up at 7 am. Even tho the work was being done out of our control we gave everyone $$ off another visit within a year. We got one taker.
If you can't get any assistance on the noise, you might consider preemptively discounting at the door or at check out on days the crew wakes everyone up.
My response. (draft. haven't hit the button yet. too long winded?)
We are sorry you were disappointed with your one night stay and I wonder if maybe, if you'd done your homework,, you could have found a B&B more suitable to your preferences. Rockport is lucky enough to have dozens of B&Bs, each with its own personality. Some have plated multi-course breakfasts, some are known for their baked goods, some have the self-serve buffet we offer. Some are furnished with fine antiques, and some with beloved heirlooms. Some are in town, some have pools, some have ocean views. See the website, www.theinnsofrockport.com and review the side by side comparison chart to find the B&B that best suits your idea of a great vacation.
People love a detailed review and you gave them that! I guess I'll respond in kind.
House: We are an antique (1890) Captain's house, so the rooms all have their own personality. Some of the showers are stall showers. Two of our rooms have antique claw-foot tubs! The house across the street was already there, they are putting on an addition, so the effect on the view is minimal. But I agree, construction at 7 am can be annoying, unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about it. Luckily, it is temporary.
Breakfast: We advertise a continental breakfast and deliver an enhanced continental. At check in we invite our guests to a self-serve buffet breakfast. We offer freshly cooked eggs, meats, pancakes or French toast along with the standard continental fare, coffee cake, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit, juices, milk and a nice variety of coffees and teas.
Décor: We call it 'Beach house casual.' :)
Misc.: We love our koi pond and our front porch view and are pleased you were able to enjoy them too. And we love our landscape girl, too!
As far as friendliness, we do our best and it must have been an off day. Wish you'd stayed more than one night, so you could have gotten to know us better!.
Don't post that!
Create a simple sandwich.
We are glad that you found out accommodations so clean and comfortable. We are sorry that you didn't enjoy our well appointed extended continental breakfast. {Add your description, etc in here}. Sorry you couldn't have stayed longer and enjoy our beach and gotten to know us better. Good luck with your future endeavours....
Something like that. Don't talk too much about the negatives, just grab one and show it as it should be and then back to the happy.
My response. (draft. haven't hit the button yet. too long winded?)
We are sorry you were disappointed with your one night stay and I wonder if maybe, if you'd done your homework,, you could have found a B&B more suitable to your preferences. Rockport is lucky enough to have dozens of B&Bs, each with its own personality. Some have plated multi-course breakfasts, some are known for their baked goods, some have the self-serve buffet we offer. Some are furnished with fine antiques, and some with beloved heirlooms. Some are in town, some have pools, some have ocean views. See the website, www.theinnsofrockport.com and review the side by side comparison chart to find the B&B that best suits your idea of a great vacation.
People love a detailed review and you gave them that! I guess I'll respond in kind.
House: We are an antique (1890) Captain's house, so the rooms all have their own personality. Some of the showers are stall showers. Two of our rooms have antique claw-foot tubs! The house across the street was already there, they are putting on an addition, so the effect on the view is minimal. But I agree, construction at 7 am can be annoying, unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about it. Luckily, it is temporary.
Breakfast: We advertise a continental breakfast and deliver an enhanced continental. At check in we invite our guests to a self-serve buffet breakfast. We offer freshly cooked eggs, meats, pancakes or French toast along with the standard continental fare, coffee cake, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit, juices, milk and a nice variety of coffees and teas.
Décor: We call it 'Beach house casual.' :)
Misc.: We love our koi pond and our front porch view and are pleased you were able to enjoy them too. And we love our landscape girl, too!
As far as friendliness, we do our best and it must have been an off day. Wish you'd stayed more than one night, so you could have gotten to know us better!.
No.,..don't go there. Just a sweet and simple. Sorry you had a problem, we do our best but sometimes it is not enough.
My response. (draft. haven't hit the button yet. too long winded?)
We are sorry you were disappointed with your one night stay and I wonder if maybe, if you'd done your homework,, you could have found a B&B more suitable to your preferences. Rockport is lucky enough to have dozens of B&Bs, each with its own personality. Some have plated multi-course breakfasts, some are known for their baked goods, some have the self-serve buffet we offer. Some are furnished with fine antiques, and some with beloved heirlooms. Some are in town, some have pools, some have ocean views. See the website, www.theinnsofrockport.com and review the side by side comparison chart to find the B&B that best suits your idea of a great vacation.
People love a detailed review and you gave them that! I guess I'll respond in kind.
House: We are an antique (1890) Captain's house, so the rooms all have their own personality. Some of the showers are stall showers. Two of our rooms have antique claw-foot tubs! The house across the street was already there, they are putting on an addition, so the effect on the view is minimal. But I agree, construction at 7 am can be annoying, unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about it. Luckily, it is temporary.
Breakfast: We advertise a continental breakfast and deliver an enhanced continental. At check in we invite our guests to a self-serve buffet breakfast. We offer freshly cooked eggs, meats, pancakes or French toast along with the standard continental fare, coffee cake, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit, juices, milk and a nice variety of coffees and teas.
Décor: We call it 'Beach house casual.' :)
Misc.: We love our koi pond and our front porch view and are pleased you were able to enjoy them too. And we love our landscape girl, too!
As far as friendliness, we do our best and it must have been an off day. Wish you'd stayed more than one night, so you could have gotten to know us better!.
Personally, my TA responses are long and winded, detailed, and personal! And I get great feedback from new guests who have read them. Even our bank loan officer loved them. This is a great response Beachie! Your tone and personality shine through and it is quite evident that you are not who they've stereotyped you to be or your lovely property. Kudos.
To the others who say keep it boilerplate, this is the one chance for uniqueness to shine through. Any one reading this and JUDGING it to be unprofessional, etc, is not the kind of guest you want any way. This type of response is very effective and fruitful and attracts those who say " good for you for responding to those knuckleheads!"
To thine own self be true, Beachie!
We weren't friendly enough. Didn't ask them where they were from.
As as soon as you ask somebody where they are from, they'll post, "Innkeeper was very nosy and asks personal questions."
Now I'm missing Jon Sable's head banging wall avatar.

I did not say that. Jon, I didn't mean it!.
DH says they were a walk in. No reservation and he happened to have one room available for one night. Shrug.
Momma, the third is in Dutch. She's the one who asked for the chair.
I'm still wondering about that one. Gotta laugh. Around the koi pond, we have 6 wooden Adirondack chairs and two fiberglass/wicker chairs, plus an assortment of beach chairs.
Just up three stairs on the porch are three bistro sets plus a porch furniture seating set of love seat and two comfy chairs.
But no, she wants my private, plastic Adirondack chair. It's the only one that will do..
TheBeachHouse said:
But no, she wants my private, plastic Adirondack chair. It's the only one that will do.
Like a kid. Wants what is clearly not available to her, so it must be better.
Sorry Beachie. You will come up with something wonderful for the responses.
My response. (draft. haven't hit the button yet. too long winded?)
We are sorry you were disappointed with your one night stay and I wonder if maybe, if you'd done your homework,, you could have found a B&B more suitable to your preferences. Rockport is lucky enough to have dozens of B&Bs, each with its own personality. Some have plated multi-course breakfasts, some are known for their baked goods, some have the self-serve buffet we offer. Some are furnished with fine antiques, and some with beloved heirlooms. Some are in town, some have pools, some have ocean views. See the website, www.theinnsofrockport.com and review the side by side comparison chart to find the B&B that best suits your idea of a great vacation.
People love a detailed review and you gave them that! I guess I'll respond in kind.
House: We are an antique (1890) Captain's house, so the rooms all have their own personality. Some of the showers are stall showers. Two of our rooms have antique claw-foot tubs! The house across the street was already there, they are putting on an addition, so the effect on the view is minimal. But I agree, construction at 7 am can be annoying, unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about it. Luckily, it is temporary.
Breakfast: We advertise a continental breakfast and deliver an enhanced continental. At check in we invite our guests to a self-serve buffet breakfast. We offer freshly cooked eggs, meats, pancakes or French toast along with the standard continental fare, coffee cake, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit, juices, milk and a nice variety of coffees and teas.
Décor: We call it 'Beach house casual.' :)
Misc.: We love our koi pond and our front porch view and are pleased you were able to enjoy them too. And we love our landscape girl, too!
As far as friendliness, we do our best and it must have been an off day. Wish you'd stayed more than one night, so you could have gotten to know us better!.
ok, take two.
TheBeachHouse said:
My response. (draft. haven't hit the button yet. too long winded?)
We are sorry you were disappointed with your one night stay. Rockport is lucky enough to have dozens of B&Bs, each with its own personality. Some have plated multi-course breakfasts, some are known for their baked goods, some have the self-serve buffet we offer. From décor to location to amenities offered, there are choices for every taste. See the website, theinnsofrockport and review the side by side comparison chart to find the B&B that best suits your idea of a great vacation.
Our house is an antique (1890) Captain's house, so the rooms all have their own personality. They range from cozy (small) to very spacious. We call our décor, "Beach house casual." We want our guests to feel at home and comfortable. Detailed descriptions of our rooms are available on our website.
Yes, construction at 7 am is unfortunate and of course, unavoidable. Luckily, it is temporary and the view is not affected.
We advertise a continental breakfast and deliver an enhanced continental. At check in we invite our guests to a self-serve buffet breakfast. We offer freshly cooked eggs, meats, pancakes or French toast along with the standard continental fare, coffee cake, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit, juices, milk and a nice variety of coffees and teas.
Thank you for mentioning the koi pond and the wrap around front porch with view. We are pleased you enjoyed them. And we love our landscape girl, too!
As far as friendliness, we are friendly, but try not to be intrusive. Some innkeepers like to visit for hours. We aren't like that. We want to give our guests personal quiet time to relax. I wish you'd stayed more than one night, so you could have gotten to know us better!
We weren't friendly enough. Didn't ask them where they were from.
As as soon as you ask somebody where they are from, they'll post, "Innkeeper was very nosy and asks personal questions."
Now I'm missing Jon Sable's head banging wall avatar.

I did not say that. Jon, I didn't mean it!.
DH says they were a walk in. No reservation and he happened to have one room available for one night. Shrug.
TheBeachHouse said:
DH says they were a walk in. No reservation and he happened to have one room available for one night. Shrug.
So they could SEE there was construction and how far they were from town. DH probably showed them the room prior to them taking it so saw the decor and the shower. A sour puss because they did not plan ahead.
We weren't friendly enough. Didn't ask them where they were from.
As as soon as you ask somebody where they are from, they'll post, "Innkeeper was very nosy and asks personal questions."
Now I'm missing Jon Sable's head banging wall avatar.

I did not say that. Jon, I didn't mean it!.
DH says they were a walk in. No reservation and he happened to have one room available for one night. Shrug.
TheBeachHouse said:
DH says they were a walk in. No reservation and he happened to have one room available for one night. Shrug.
So they could SEE there was construction and how far they were from town. DH probably showed them the room prior to them taking it so saw the decor and the shower. A sour puss because they did not plan ahead.
Copperhead said:
TheBeachHouse said:
DH says they were a walk in. No reservation and he happened to have one room available for one night. Shrug.
So they could SEE there was construction and how far they were from town. DH probably showed them the room prior to them taking it so saw the decor and the shower. A sour puss because they did not plan ahead.
sometimes I just love you guys! <3
My response. (draft. haven't hit the button yet. too long winded?)
We are sorry you were disappointed with your one night stay and I wonder if maybe, if you'd done your homework,, you could have found a B&B more suitable to your preferences. Rockport is lucky enough to have dozens of B&Bs, each with its own personality. Some have plated multi-course breakfasts, some are known for their baked goods, some have the self-serve buffet we offer. Some are furnished with fine antiques, and some with beloved heirlooms. Some are in town, some have pools, some have ocean views. See the website, www.theinnsofrockport.com and review the side by side comparison chart to find the B&B that best suits your idea of a great vacation.
People love a detailed review and you gave them that! I guess I'll respond in kind.
House: We are an antique (1890) Captain's house, so the rooms all have their own personality. Some of the showers are stall showers. Two of our rooms have antique claw-foot tubs! The house across the street was already there, they are putting on an addition, so the effect on the view is minimal. But I agree, construction at 7 am can be annoying, unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about it. Luckily, it is temporary.
Breakfast: We advertise a continental breakfast and deliver an enhanced continental. At check in we invite our guests to a self-serve buffet breakfast. We offer freshly cooked eggs, meats, pancakes or French toast along with the standard continental fare, coffee cake, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit, juices, milk and a nice variety of coffees and teas.
Décor: We call it 'Beach house casual.' :)
Misc.: We love our koi pond and our front porch view and are pleased you were able to enjoy them too. And we love our landscape girl, too!
As far as friendliness, we do our best and it must have been an off day. Wish you'd stayed more than one night, so you could have gotten to know us better!.
ok, take two.
TheBeachHouse said:
My response. (draft. haven't hit the button yet. too long winded?)
We are sorry you were disappointed with your one night stay. Rockport is lucky enough to have dozens of B&Bs, each with its own personality. Some have plated multi-course breakfasts, some are known for their baked goods, some have the self-serve buffet we offer. From décor to location to amenities offered, there are choices for every taste. See the website, theinnsofrockport and review the side by side comparison chart to find the B&B that best suits your idea of a great vacation.
Our house is an antique (1890) Captain's house, so the rooms all have their own personality. They range from cozy (small) to very spacious. We call our décor, "Beach house casual." We want our guests to feel at home and comfortable. Detailed descriptions of our rooms are available on our website.
Yes, construction at 7 am is unfortunate and of course, unavoidable. Luckily, it is temporary and the view is not affected.
We advertise a continental breakfast and deliver an enhanced continental. At check in we invite our guests to a self-serve buffet breakfast. We offer freshly cooked eggs, meats, pancakes or French toast along with the standard continental fare, coffee cake, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit, juices, milk and a nice variety of coffees and teas.
Thank you for mentioning the koi pond and the wrap around front porch with view. We are pleased you enjoyed them. And we love our landscape girl, too!
As far as friendliness, we are friendly, but try not to be intrusive. Some innkeepers like to visit for hours. We aren't like that. We want to give our guests personal quiet time to relax. I wish you'd stayed more than one night, so you could have gotten to know us better!
Even better! Perfect. Usually takes me 6 or 7 drafts of filtering and censoring!
Sorry this happened to you and may I remind everyone if they mention another B&B in the review they violate the rules and regs of TA
"We'd just come from a B and B in Bar Harbor that was terrific (name removed Inn)"
Go for it, get it taken down! I would. If they want pizazz they can pay for pizazz in Bah Hahbuh
My response. (draft. haven't hit the button yet. too long winded?)
We are sorry you were disappointed with your one night stay and I wonder if maybe, if you'd done your homework,, you could have found a B&B more suitable to your preferences. Rockport is lucky enough to have dozens of B&Bs, each with its own personality. Some have plated multi-course breakfasts, some are known for their baked goods, some have the self-serve buffet we offer. Some are furnished with fine antiques, and some with beloved heirlooms. Some are in town, some have pools, some have ocean views. See the website, www.theinnsofrockport.com and review the side by side comparison chart to find the B&B that best suits your idea of a great vacation.
People love a detailed review and you gave them that! I guess I'll respond in kind.
House: We are an antique (1890) Captain's house, so the rooms all have their own personality. Some of the showers are stall showers. Two of our rooms have antique claw-foot tubs! The house across the street was already there, they are putting on an addition, so the effect on the view is minimal. But I agree, construction at 7 am can be annoying, unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about it. Luckily, it is temporary.
Breakfast: We advertise a continental breakfast and deliver an enhanced continental. At check in we invite our guests to a self-serve buffet breakfast. We offer freshly cooked eggs, meats, pancakes or French toast along with the standard continental fare, coffee cake, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit, juices, milk and a nice variety of coffees and teas.
Décor: We call it 'Beach house casual.' :)
Misc.: We love our koi pond and our front porch view and are pleased you were able to enjoy them too. And we love our landscape girl, too!
As far as friendliness, we do our best and it must have been an off day. Wish you'd stayed more than one night, so you could have gotten to know us better!.
ok, take two.
TheBeachHouse said:
My response. (draft. haven't hit the button yet. too long winded?)
We are sorry you were disappointed with your one night stay. Rockport is lucky enough to have dozens of B&Bs, each with its own personality. Some have plated multi-course breakfasts, some are known for their baked goods, some have the self-serve buffet we offer. From décor to location to amenities offered, there are choices for every taste. See the website, theinnsofrockport and review the side by side comparison chart to find the B&B that best suits your idea of a great vacation.
Our house is an antique (1890) Captain's house, so the rooms all have their own personality. They range from cozy (small) to very spacious. We call our décor, "Beach house casual." We want our guests to feel at home and comfortable. Detailed descriptions of our rooms are available on our website.
Yes, construction at 7 am is unfortunate and of course, unavoidable. Luckily, it is temporary and the view is not affected.
We advertise a continental breakfast and deliver an enhanced continental. At check in we invite our guests to a self-serve buffet breakfast. We offer freshly cooked eggs, meats, pancakes or French toast along with the standard continental fare, coffee cake, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruit, juices, milk and a nice variety of coffees and teas.
Thank you for mentioning the koi pond and the wrap around front porch with view. We are pleased you enjoyed them. And we love our landscape girl, too!
As far as friendliness, we are friendly, but try not to be intrusive. Some innkeepers like to visit for hours. We aren't like that. We want to give our guests personal quiet time to relax. I wish you'd stayed more than one night, so you could have gotten to know us better!
Even better! Perfect. Usually takes me 6 or 7 drafts of filtering and censoring!
Momma Smurf said:
Even better! Perfect. Usually takes me 6 or 7 drafts of filtering and censoring!
yeah, the first version started something like, "well, someone didn't do his homework!"
I try to tone down the sarcasm before I publish. LOL.