The correct mantra is, they stay, they pay, they go away ... the rhyme and cadence are important to get the best resultTake deeeeep breath."They come, they stay, they go away". Be extra polite, but very firm and they will be gone before you know.So my special guest just arrived and yes we should have cancelled his reservation. Hubby acknowledged that they are eating GF and then she started with the list of other items that bother her, including soy. I told hubby to tell her that I couldn't guarantee that there wasn't soy in anything as it's in almost everything. She said to just worry about the gluten.
Got them to their room where Mr. I Want A Discount For One Night and was told no, then read the sign-in sheet and saw that checkout is at 11am which he knew when he booked. He said he'd get his stuff out by 11am but that they had planned to stay until 3pm. Hubby told him that he wouldn't come knocking at exactly 11am, but that checkout is shortly thereafter - basically told him NO! He signed sheet acknowledging that there are late checkout fees after 11:30am. We'll see. What a joy.
He's getting honeydew melon and blueberries (not organic either of them) with a ginger lime sauce tomorrow and GF waffles of my own mix. Thank goodness it's just one night. Other rooms are all super nice, so perhaps that makes him stick out more..
. now you know it's her birthday. You can do something else that will impress him that you recognized the occasion - a place marker with "Happy Birthday", a candle in her pancakes, etc. I would just make a joke that there's no guarantee of the vocal participation of the other guests that morning, even if asked.We all knew it … the requests wouldn't end with the fruit and GF requests. Today he called and asked that my husband have everyone sing happy birthday to her at breakfast since it's her special day. There is no way in hell that I'm asking the other guests to all put down their forks and stop eating to sing this woman happy birthday. All I keep thinking of is the big giant moose that they used to have at Bugaboo Creek and the waitresses would all sing happy birthday and then the birthday girl/gal had to kiss the moose (what idiot came up with that germ spreading idea?) Perhaps he can just sing happy birthday to her himself that morning in bed!!.