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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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No show. Bad credit card. Phone out of service.
Would you send a bill to the probably no good address?
I'm so sorry.
This has happened to me twice. It's why we should always run the card when they make the reservation, but I never do. They won't pay the bill even if it is the right address.
That stinks and is SO frustrating
It's probably not even worth your time to send it, but go ahead and do it if it will make you feel better.
I'd forget about it and re-evaluate charging deposits before arrival. I'm so sorry this happened to you.
So sorry that happened to you.
No, don't try the address. Forget about it. Wasting any more time on it will be just that: a waste.
the one thing I might try depending on why the credit card delined is try a lesser amount for example $20 and see if that goes through. We had a no show when I worked at the Yorkshire and we took out $10 a week till it was paid as that is all there was in at a time. But sending out a bill it is not worth the paper or stamp
the one thing I might try depending on why the credit card delined is try a lesser amount for example $20 and see if that goes through. We had a no show when I worked at the Yorkshire and we took out $10 a week till it was paid as that is all there was in at a time. But sending out a bill it is not worth the paper or stamp.
A rather brilliant plan.
We require a 50% deposit (or 100% within 48 hours) on a VISA or MC at the time the reservation is made. Twice, however we have had a no-show & the card was then declined (as they are responsible for the full amount on cancellations within 48 hours of the reserved dates-i.e. including no-shows).
Also, we never have a physical address as all reservation confirmations are sent via email.
Good luck
Don't bother. I think in these times, running the card for at least the deposit when the reservation is made is critical.
Thanks, all. I like the idea of running the card a little at a time. I will call the cc processor today to see if the card is even valid anymore. If so, I might try that one...
Looked her up by name and got a completely different address and phone number in the same town. Also found her on LinkedIn so know where she works. Not that I would call someone at work.
There is, however a big 'DO NOT BOOK' next to her name and I might send her name out to my group.
makes me wonder if it could possibly be identity theft? any possibility? call your cc processor and ask?
It happens to the best of us. I have learned to just let it go and move on. Even if you could run the card the ycan fight it and the credit card company do not want to lose the business so they will side with them. It is a long summer ahead and not worth the trouble. i believe in Carma :)
makes me wonder if it could possibly be identity theft? any possibility? call your cc processor and ask?.
seashanty said:
makes me wonder if it could possibly be identity theft? any possibility? call your cc processor and ask?
I thought about calling the new phone number and telling whoever answered that someone was using their name, address, phone number and possibly their credit card. But, like everyone says, I'm just going to let it go.
Yea, those are the pits for people specially when you turn down another stay because you expect this one to show...Sorry :(
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