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May 22, 2008
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Finally got the last of the "stuff" out of the workshop. Friday, the electrician came down, looked at the project, and did some preliminary stuff identifying wiring in the furnace room and in the breaker box. Turns out there is a wire in the furnace room to the OLD furnace that was just left there, not connected to anything (not a hot wire) so I actually have one more breaker in the box if needed - he shut it off. I have 3 double outlets in the room already - thought there was just 1 - and he is going to add 1 more for me with all of them quads (all are 20 amp so I am good for my heater in any of them). I have decided to just use the heaters I already have rather than get another.
We also decided that he can punch the walls wherever to make life faster and easier. The current commom wall with the house is exactly as I suspected - just over the original wall of the house and no insulation. The current walls are not worth saving so will come off (can practically do that without tools). I will add insulation and get wallboard rather than drywall. He is coming back Friday to install the boxes and wiring for the outlets, ceiling lights, and light switches. Once I get the wallboard in, he will come back and install the outlets and lights. I told him the scope of the job is to find and fix anything that may cause a problem in the future (including when I sell - inspection) and I do not expect a "friends discount". I had to add the fix anything as part of the scope because he, as a friend, already did fix something he found that he did ONLY because friends. Will be buying insulation this week. Woohoo!!
When done, it will be my office and the current junk pile will be sorted to - move to new office or garbage - and become what it was supposed to be (and actually was for a while), a Library for guests to relax in.
UPDATE: Part of the walls are down. The boxes are in. Tomorrow I will get some insulation, look at wallboard, and look at light fixtures. A friend is coming over Sunday to help with the insulation. I need to put more in where what is already there has slipped down - it is still good so not tearing out what is there, just adding to it. The current walls are (I think) the paneling that started being popular in the 50s and 60s and are now really easy to pull off. I have a huge mess in there now to clean up. It is shaping up nicely though. Only doing the essentials now. Will wait for my daughter to get the wallboard. My electrician also took one of the fixtures from my Library chandelier to replace them for me (center globe has 4 lights (globes) hanging from it. Now I am in search of 4 globes (this was the only one that was complete - until I put my coat on and snashed on of the clobes with my arm. 4-of-a-kind in these globes is harder to get hand in a poker hand.
Woot! Good for you.
Know what I love? The smell of sawdust! Smells like progress! I have a wall mostly gone between dining area and hallway ... what a difference already.
I hate construction, but I LOVE realizing your vision! Especially when you've waited for it. Good job!