New towels

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Alibi Ike

Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
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Went away last week and stayed at a mid-line inn. Not posh, but not cheap. Talked with the housekeeper one morning and she said she was going to change out all of our towels because they just got a new line of towels in. Definitely nicer as the old towels, still in great shape, were a motley of colors. However, they did not wash them before putting them out. Yuk. The towels still had little 'inspected by' stickers on them.
Tell me I'm not the only person who washes everything before it touches me. Clothes, bedding, you name it. In the wash.
You got it. It always gets washed first before use. I can't remember the article about bacteria found on clothing etc... now...but it was gross.
There was a big thing here about clothes made in china and they were sprayed with something brought tons of people out in a rash. I myself am alergic to Sheet dressing (this is the stuff they spray on packaged sheets so they keep their shape and are fire retardant in the warehouse) so I always wash them before they are used or I end up scratching till I bleed and I am not the only one. PLus not to have taken the lables on that is quite slack!
Ohmigod! Gross! I think stuff like that even says to wash b4 using! God only knows how those things are shipped, from where, how they were stored, how many people/machines touched them, etc.!!! Did you say anything to them about it? I would have asked for my old towels back.
DH used to make fun of me for washing all my clothes before I wore them, until he got a bad rash from wearing a brand-new flannel shirt, unwashed. Wrists to biceps - fortunately he wore a t-shirt under it. He had to go to the dermatologist - looked like measles and itched like crazy. Now he washes his new stuff, too.
SICK! Besides made in china bacteria and dust and dirt and fuzz. You can wash towels four times and they will still fuzz out on you! That is the weirdest thing I have heard...all day. :)
SICK! Besides made in china bacteria and dust and dirt and fuzz. You can wash towels four times and they will still fuzz out on you! That is the weirdest thing I have heard...all day. :).
Always wash... hate that industrial smell... It takes a few hours to do, but so worth it in the end! Fluffy, fresh-smelling, brand-new towels are a complete indulgence!
I've heard this for years...
Me....I'd probably be awake all night thinking I wasted a load of wash to wash something before it was used.