I am beyond crotchety at this point and I had a revelation this morning.
1 nighters=PITA!!!
These folks tracked in more grass into my house in 12 hours than my kid has ever tracked in, in the 3 years we've lived here.
I will never understand how a person can cr*p all over the toilet, I mean the top of the seat, and while I know they are thinking, "oh the innkeeper will clean it up", that they wouldn't clean it off
out of courtesy to the other guests they are sharing the bathroom with! There is a scrubber six inches from the tank!
They can put a newspaper in a trashcan, I'll give a point for that, but I deduct 3 for not putting it in the f-ing recycle bin that is 3 feet away from the trashcan marked "recyclable paper"!
There was more hair in this bathroom than you will find on a gorilla and "hair" is a homonym for "hare" for a reason, they multiply while you are trying to clean them.
1 nighters NEVER read your policies or confirmations and that is why when you are serving them breakfast, THAT is when they tell you they don't eat meat. (If they had read any of it, they would have told you ahead of time.) That is why they always show up 1-3 hours late for check in, that is why they get the speech when you catch them smoking where they shouldn't be smoking, etc. I could go on for days.
What is UP with the spitters, man! I mean does ANY of the toothpaste actually make it in the sink? It seems to be everywhere BUT the sink, how does someone brushing their teeth manage to get toothpaste and spit three feet above their face on a mirror? Not to mention the ones that don't even try and just spit all over the sink fixtures, is an 18 inch wide, 12 inch deep sink really not big enough for you to make it in the general proximity of the drain?
1 nighters are harder on your place, they know they will be there for such a short time they don't care how they treat your linens, your common areas,etc. Hotel/motel mentality. They are the ones who wipe their made up faces and tanning cr*p all over your nice white towels, AND THEY DROOL, as evidenced by the pillow coverings that all have to be put into the deep clean.
There, I feel better. Guess I'll go have a glass of wine now.