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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2011
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I did a big mistake last night and I thought I would share it. I had 2 checkins last night. The first one arrived at 4. The last one was set to arrive at 8. At 7pm I get a call from a couple ready to check in. I noticed the area code was a 918. I was excited because they had arrived early and I could go enjoy my evening with my family. So I checked them in and all was great. An hour later I get a call from a couple telling me they are running a little late but will be there around 9:30. Wait....what? I already checked that room in....Oh CRAP! who did I just check in? I went to their room and they had already gone to town. I didn't double check their name when showing them to their room. So I didn't have a contact name for them. I did have their phone number from when they called for a late check in. They said, they had tried to make a reservation online but could not do it so they just assumed they could show up and get a room. I thought to myself..."Well I guess you can if I'm your InnKeeper!" They had to come back, pack up and I had to clean the room again before the actual confirmed reservation arrived. So here is a little lesson for the Newbies ready this. You can take 2 things from this.
1) Always double check the name and verify who you are actually putting in the room. (Full names, not just first. (There is more than 1 Bob in the world!)
2) I did not panic, I found out some more details from the couple I was kicking out. So I could try and make the best of what happened. They had planned on staying three nights. They chose us because several of their friends had stayed with us before. I had 2 of the nights available and I have plenty of rooms available. So I offered them a free night stay. Why? It wasn't my fault, but it kinda was because I assumed it was my last check in for the night. They are very happy and could not believe I would do that for them. Well, I at least received 1 nights rental from them on a reservation I did not have. The other option I'm sure would of been lots of bad reviews and our repeat guests that recommended us would probably never come back. Sometimes its best just to suck it up and make things right with people even when its not all our fault. Who knows... it could turn out to be a good thing in the end! :)
Oh dear! I'm glad it worked out well! We have them scan over and sign a card which we wrote the information they send with their booking. Glad you have another room. Just waiting to hear the glowing review and that they booked for a next time on their way out the door!
We would have done the same thing. They deserved a free night for the hassle of moving and feeling awkward. AND they still got to stay in your lovely place.
Good job.
I don't even assume they know their own names anymore -
People had booked 12 check in called Garibaldi (not the name but similar point being unusual name)
People came at 12 - asked are you Mr & Mrs Garibaldi - Yes that's right
2pm Couple came - we are mr and mrs Garibaldi - we were running late to the wedding so have come to check in now - SO WHO IS THE OTHER COUPLE?
turns out they were booked guests but had just agreed with me not actually listened to the name given! nearly had a stroke thinking Id checked in random people! We have a hotel up the street who's name is 1 letter different and I am usually very careful about checking names as often their guests try and check in with us.
Was cross as the real Garibaldi's I had put them on the first floor with a double shower because she was pretty pregnant and they eneded up on a top floor room with a smaller shower - but at least everyone had a room!
We literally had a:
  1. James and Kate
  2. Andrea and Philip
on Friday (and 4 other rooms to check in).
At check-in the wife in the first couple "James and Kate" said "Phil" and we clarified. She said, Oh I just call him Phil. "Is his name Philip? Are you Andrea?" No, my name is Kathy.
We dodged one by also applying the last names and not letting THEM tell us who they are. It is pretty bad, I agree Cambs.
Moral of the story: If they had all showed up at once we would have been up a creek, I guarantee it. If I had said "Phil" they would have said yes. I have had a few not add the second person's name on the booking of late, and that is really needed, when we have a full house.
We literally had a:
  1. James and Kate
  2. Andrea and Philip
on Friday (and 4 other rooms to check in).
At check-in the wife in the first couple "James and Kate" said "Phil" and we clarified. She said, Oh I just call him Phil. "Is his name Philip? Are you Andrea?" No, my name is Kathy.
We dodged one by also applying the last names and not letting THEM tell us who they are. It is pretty bad, I agree Cambs.
Moral of the story: If they had all showed up at once we would have been up a creek, I guarantee it. If I had said "Phil" they would have said yes. I have had a few not add the second person's name on the booking of late, and that is really needed, when we have a full house..
its like my DH's hair dresser real name is adam - used to go by Jonny now has gone back to Adam - depends when you started to know him what you call him very confusing!