Hang on a sec....I'm choking on my coffee. I don't even know where to begin on this one! This is NOT a way to get paid to have help.
I have been a VocationVacations mentor for a number of years. When the aspiring innkeeper leaves my place after 2 nights, I'm exhausted. They are not paying a lot of money to just clean the rooms. As a mentor, I feed as much "Innkeeping 101" into them as they can take. It's like doing a 3 day aspiring innkeeper course. They need to learn not only about housekeeping and cooking, but also about purchasing and inn, marketing and websites, financially what it takes to make their dream job happen and how to deal with PITAs. I have also created a binder they take home with them with a lot of resources and information.
The people who have been with me for this experience take it very seriously as do I..
Sorry BD I did not mean to imply that it was a joke. I just was trying to come up with a catchy line to catch your eye so I could get some input on this.
I have trained people in other types of jobs and I am exhausted at the end of the day. I get a headache from so much talking.
It reminds me a little of the sign at the auto repair shop :
repairs 50.00 hr
if you fixed it yourself first 75.00 hr
if you want to help 125.00 hr