Hey you never said you were a restaurant and short order cook. Food allergies yes...food prefereces...only if it isn't going to be a pain in the butt for you:-(.
catlady said:
Hey you never said you were a restaurant and short order cook. Food allergies yes...food prefereces...only if it isn't going to be a pain in the butt for you:-(
I call vegatarians a food preference, even though many do choose this due to intolerance of certain meats. All the others are allergies.
The fruits & nuts are the easy parts to avoid. And I can use soy in the place of milk (that has been OK'ed).
The hardest morning will be this Sat. with the following issues (maybe this would have been the best choice of words): eggs, cheese, milk and gluten free. I feel there is no choice but to have at least 2 different dishes.
Anyone can help me to limit my cooking, I will be forever thankful! Dreading Sat. morning.
How many of each? And are these allergies or preferences?
If they are preferences rather than allergies, I would suggest pancakes or waffles and gluten free pancakes or waffles for that person. (If it is a contact gluten allergy, as in their food even coming in contact with the griddle that has cooked someone's gluten-filled brekkie, then cook theirs first and hot-hold it in the oven.) Allergies to eggs are severe, tho, so I'd check if it's an allergy. Many guests plain old do not like the look or texture of eggs so they say 'eggs' even tho they will eat cake, cookies, mayonnaise, etc.
Watch out for the soy for everyone as some people can't eat that and they don't expect it to show up.
This is why we all need to say 'we will TRY to accommodate your restrictions, but we may not be able to'. Then hand them a yogurt or a box of cereal or some dry toast and go about your day. You don't have a menu service.
Unless you think you could handle a menu for this weekend...pick one item from the menu on Friday night and that's what they get Sat morning, no substitutions when they see how good something else looks.
Sorry, just noticed it was one gluten free. However, do you know if it's allergies or preferences on the rest of them? Because if it's preferences, I'd go with pancakes for everyone else and eggs for the gluten free. Cook it, plate it, serve it. Save yourself the grief of buying gluten free mixes.
We try and it is so unappreciated. Except one mom who thanked us again and again for making cookies her kid could eat. Otherwise, adults with 'issues' EXPECT you to handle them and never thank you.