Duff I think we need to come up with a better title for you than default innkeeper..
Joey Bloggs said:
Duff I think we need to come up with a better title for you than default innkeeper.
I had to think of a title or subject....I wasn't planning on being an innkeeper, it just happened. I wasn't planning on working at a retreat center either but what I learned there has helped me out a lot here. Looking back on my life I see that each place I have been or an experience has helped me in the future. I don't know if that is hopeful information or not!
I'll let you figure out a better title.....or is that a dangerous offer?!?
Duff2014 said:
Joey Bloggs said:
Duff I think we need to come up with a better title for you than default innkeeper.
I had to think of a title or subject....I wasn't planning on being an innkeeper, it just happened. I wasn't planning on working at a retreat center either but what I learned there has helped me out a lot here. Looking back on my life I see that each place I have been or an experience has helped me in the future. I don't know if that is hopeful information or not!
I'll let you figure out a better title.....or is that a dangerous offer?!?
Well you are DUFF, but the title you gave yourself in this thread is what i am referring to. Default sounds so not on, you are great, so you should be called the Interim Innkeeper.

Joey Bloggs said:
Duff2014 said:
Joey Bloggs said:
Duff I think we need to come up with a better title for you than default innkeeper.
I had to think of a title or subject....I wasn't planning on being an innkeeper, it just happened. I wasn't planning on working at a retreat center either but what I learned there has helped me out a lot here. Looking back on my life I see that each place I have been or an experience has helped me in the future. I don't know if that is hopeful information or not!
I'll let you figure out a better title.....or is that a dangerous offer?!?
Well you are DUFF, but the title you gave yourself in this thread is what i am referring to. Default sounds so not on, you are great, so you should be called the Interim Innkeeper.
Sounds good! I used the name Duff since that was my dog's name. (He died in 2013) He was the perfect host whenever my family had friends over, guests or dog sat. He treated everyone as his best friend. ( even one dog we had a couple days who was nasty to him. He never turned on him and put up with him politely until the second he left. Then he tore through the house with glee that he was gone!) As soon as he heard a vehicle he dropped everything and ran to the picture window to see who it was. Then he joined us at the front door to welcome them to his home. He was very good at realizing who liked dogs or not. He even had his own business. Kids Love Duff. He taught children and adults to get over being scared of dogs, even ones that had bad experiences. 99.9 percent rating and his fee was in doggie bones.
So I want to be a good hostess like he was, even to the nasty guests that come our way!