Innkeeper on the loose!

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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This weekend has been - 5 rooms strips today. 7 room strips tomorrow. 2 more on Monday. A bad credit card and no response from booking. A late arrival tonight for 8pm.
I have been waiting all summer for this weekend's concert. I ran the late arrival's card and left a note on the door. Returned home awhile ago and the note is still there. No calls. No nothing.
So glad I did not wait!
(I run the cards before leaving the door code. The guest with the teaspoons? Late arrival and she never stopped to pay before she drove off.)
she's gone? check the silverware drawer!! the glass cupboard. and maybe the t.p. supply
I would have gone out and bought a large supply of plastic teaspoons and hidden them in her luggage.... I'm passive aggressive :)
I would have gone out and bought a large supply of plastic teaspoons and hidden them in her luggage.... I'm passive aggressive :).
Generic said:
I would have gone out and bought a large supply of plastic teaspoons and hidden them in her luggage.... I'm passive aggressive :)

OH! This makes me think of a funny, but I'm a little scared to share. Y'all might not think it so funny. I get a little passive aggressive myself :)

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