I never check that email ...

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user 26

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
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If you are going to have a contact box on your website, why would you not check the emails that come in?
I just received a response from a place that I sent a messasge to over two months ago. The person emailing me said, 'Sorry, I never check that email ...' ummmm ... then why even have a Contact Box on your website? How many requests for more info have you not answered? How much business might you have lost? If you have such an option on your site and you're not going to monitor it, just remove it. Request a quote or appointment or phone call via a portal that you ignore? What a waste.
I also called, but they weren't open and their voicemail was full. Again, why? Shortstaffed? Not well run? More business than they can handle? Who knows.
We were looking for a venue for a baby shower. We contacted numerous places ... well, okay, five ... including this one. The baby shower is at the end of February. No, I don't still need more info from the venue.
Not really a rant ... but a shake of the head. And a reminder.
or what is it with places that have no voice mail? fair enough you are in the middle of something but why can't i leave a message?
It seems like just yesterday, but was probably 10 years ago now that I was planning an instate getaway. I began my search online and quickly lost steam after the B&B's made it so difficult to find room rates and availability on their website. Bandb.com was better at it in those days...
It was a good lesson, as something so simple frustrated me badly. I said, well if they wish to make it so hard I will just email my question. So I cut n pasted the same question to each of them.
The results I am sharing here for the first time, and were in a nutshell:
Some responded, but not all.
Many with basic answers, like "Yes we have a room you can call us to reserve it." Which was fine, but I could have done that to start out with, and didn't, right?
I think only one actually emited any sort of customer service skills like "we are delighted you are considering a stay with us"
A few replied "our availability is on our website" (which doesnt sound bad to you and I, but as a potential guest, it was the worst reply of all)
One or two replied a month later (not very helpful)
Overall, few had room rates and availability within a few clicks. They were never real reservations, only requests, and I was planning a getaway, firmly. At that time I spoke to the forum about how many clicks it took to check availability and reserve on our own websites.
Oh, and a handful had captchya codes that required their email to accept me before I could email them. I had to register or something, not going to happen. I am sure their expert I.T. guy told them thiss was required. I surely hope they don't have those anymore (if they are still open for business).
It was a fun test. I am hopeful if it was run again today, the results would be far different.
You are now wondering which one I picked? I believe it went something like this "They really don't appreciate my hard earned money...let's go on short cruise instead" and we did. True story. It cost less, we saw neat places and was all you can eat.
It seems like just yesterday, but was probably 10 years ago now that I was planning an instate getaway. I began my search online and quickly lost steam after the B&B's made it so difficult to find room rates and availability on their website. Bandb.com was better at it in those days...
It was a good lesson, as something so simple frustrated me badly. I said, well if they wish to make it so hard I will just email my question. So I cut n pasted the same question to each of them.
The results I am sharing here for the first time, and were in a nutshell:
Some responded, but not all.
Many with basic answers, like "Yes we have a room you can call us to reserve it." Which was fine, but I could have done that to start out with, and didn't, right?
I think only one actually emited any sort of customer service skills like "we are delighted you are considering a stay with us"
A few replied "our availability is on our website" (which doesnt sound bad to you and I, but as a potential guest, it was the worst reply of all)
One or two replied a month later (not very helpful)
Overall, few had room rates and availability within a few clicks. They were never real reservations, only requests, and I was planning a getaway, firmly. At that time I spoke to the forum about how many clicks it took to check availability and reserve on our own websites.
Oh, and a handful had captchya codes that required their email to accept me before I could email them. I had to register or something, not going to happen. I am sure their expert I.T. guy told them thiss was required. I surely hope they don't have those anymore (if they are still open for business).
It was a fun test. I am hopeful if it was run again today, the results would be far different.
You are now wondering which one I picked? I believe it went something like this "They really don't appreciate my hard earned money...let's go on short cruise instead" and we did. True story. It cost less, we saw neat places and was all you can eat.
I always wonder when someone emails nowadays to ask about availability what SHOULD I say? It IS all online. I can quote them exactly what is available, at this moment, but then they take a week to get back and those rooms are taken.
But, you're saying a pleasant intro is beneficial, right?
ha, morticia, It goes both ways. I get inquiries all the time at work and when I call back or email back ... well, they don't respond. Or they respond a few weeks later. Well, yes, when you inquired the hall was available for that date, but now it isn't.
Some b&b's still have ... 'email or call about availability' but no online booking ... that's frustrating to me. I don't know why someone would call or email instead of using it unless they need more personal contact. ?
Jcam, I don't know.
Oh JBloggs. Yes!
or what is it with places that have no voice mail? fair enough you are in the middle of something but why can't i leave a message?.
That is why I have forwarded the phone to my cell and wear my bluetooth when we leave the house.I DO still get calls and I want them answered NOW, not later.
I swear that other than the big city near me, we are in a time warp of sorts. Other than mine, there is only one other place with online booking in my region and they don't keep it populated (using Weberv.)
I know of 3 that only have a phone # as a contact and they always go to voicemail. I have gotten calls that when I answer they say 'finally a live person' then say 'I called xyz inn but they never got back with me'
If they don't need the business, that's great - I'll take it!
We don't book online, guess I like to speak with guests and until recently I worked an outside job and the other half is just not a computer person, I just don't see online booking working for us at this time.
I am an email person, I like to write and would gladly share area information even if the potential guest is not a fit for our property. Our website has the email address posted and a sort of disclaimer that email is good for questions and information, but to book or cancel on short notice a telephone call is necessary. I'm not in front of the computer at all times, but email is usually checked and answered several times each day.
I'm not as good as some of you with the telephone, if we're away for a period of time (vacation) our books are with me and calls go to the cell, if cleaning rooms or on a short errand the answering machine catches the call and it is usually returned at the next pass through the office area. Website suggests that the best time to catch us near the phone is early evening
I keep my smartphone and ipad with me where ever I go. Instant email status, calls are forwarded to my cell and I can respond to email questions. Many times, I've gotten the booking because they've been floored by the speed that I answer their questions. Yes, Copperhead, a time warp of sorts around here too. So many have complained to me that when they tried to set up their itinerary, no one would answer their phone, or return messages, etc. Sadly, there is limited accommodation in these parts and the time frame is small so I guess they figure they'll get the business one way or another.
Me, I'm so glad I got steered to ResKey and online booking. Use the OTAs as well (sadly), but at least I see my coming season shaping up and I don't have that feeling in the pit of my stomach like I did my first year. I want to be run off my feet in the coming season. Make hay when the sun shines and all that.
ha, morticia, It goes both ways. I get inquiries all the time at work and when I call back or email back ... well, they don't respond. Or they respond a few weeks later. Well, yes, when you inquired the hall was available for that date, but now it isn't.
Some b&b's still have ... 'email or call about availability' but no online booking ... that's frustrating to me. I don't know why someone would call or email instead of using it unless they need more personal contact. ?
Jcam, I don't know.
Oh JBloggs. Yes!.
I tend to skip over businesses that only do business by phone. I like on line booking, ordering, inquiring.
ha, morticia, It goes both ways. I get inquiries all the time at work and when I call back or email back ... well, they don't respond. Or they respond a few weeks later. Well, yes, when you inquired the hall was available for that date, but now it isn't.
Some b&b's still have ... 'email or call about availability' but no online booking ... that's frustrating to me. I don't know why someone would call or email instead of using it unless they need more personal contact. ?
Jcam, I don't know.
Oh JBloggs. Yes!.
I tend to skip over businesses that only do business by phone. I like on line booking, ordering, inquiring.
Or if you have to ask the price.
ha, morticia, It goes both ways. I get inquiries all the time at work and when I call back or email back ... well, they don't respond. Or they respond a few weeks later. Well, yes, when you inquired the hall was available for that date, but now it isn't.
Some b&b's still have ... 'email or call about availability' but no online booking ... that's frustrating to me. I don't know why someone would call or email instead of using it unless they need more personal contact. ?
Jcam, I don't know.
Oh JBloggs. Yes!.
I tend to skip over businesses that only do business by phone. I like on line booking, ordering, inquiring.
Or if you have to ask the price.
Morticia said:
Or if you have to ask the price.
agree. if it ain't listed, I ain't 'intristed.'