If you are going to have a contact box on your website, why would you not check the emails that come in?
I just received a response from a place that I sent a messasge to over two months ago. The person emailing me said, 'Sorry, I never check that email ...' ummmm ... then why even have a Contact Box on your website? How many requests for more info have you not answered? How much business might you have lost? If you have such an option on your site and you're not going to monitor it, just remove it. Request a quote or appointment or phone call via a portal that you ignore? What a waste.
I also called, but they weren't open and their voicemail was full. Again, why? Shortstaffed? Not well run? More business than they can handle? Who knows.
We were looking for a venue for a baby shower. We contacted numerous places ... well, okay, five ... including this one. The baby shower is at the end of February. No, I don't still need more info from the venue.
Not really a rant ... but a shake of the head. And a reminder.
I just received a response from a place that I sent a messasge to over two months ago. The person emailing me said, 'Sorry, I never check that email ...' ummmm ... then why even have a Contact Box on your website? How many requests for more info have you not answered? How much business might you have lost? If you have such an option on your site and you're not going to monitor it, just remove it. Request a quote or appointment or phone call via a portal that you ignore? What a waste.
I also called, but they weren't open and their voicemail was full. Again, why? Shortstaffed? Not well run? More business than they can handle? Who knows.
We were looking for a venue for a baby shower. We contacted numerous places ... well, okay, five ... including this one. The baby shower is at the end of February. No, I don't still need more info from the venue.
Not really a rant ... but a shake of the head. And a reminder.