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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2013
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Hi. I’ve been drafting a book including stories of the life of an innkeeper. Do you have any stories of ghosts you can share? I have a couple but I thought it would be fun to include a whole bunch.
Only if it’s ok to share. I’m using all fake names and even a fake town name. And the possibility of this book ever being finished is remote (especially since I became addicted to Twitter!).
Thanks! Mine is real but not scary. When we moved in, the doorbell used to ring and there’d be no one there. We knew that the po’s husband had died here. One day I yelled to the air, “Jeffrey! We’ll take good car of it, I promise!” No more doorbells. 👻
People ask us, "Is this Inn haunted?" We reply - "would you like for it to be?" And then we quip all the ways we could make it that way, with sounds of chains, wearing sheets, etc.
*However, while we have not experienced any paranormal activities, the past innkeeper said she have visitors experience smelling blueberry muffins baking - and this innkeeper wasn't a baker... ever!
*The grandson (he was in his late 70's) of the original owners came by to visit the home of his childhood. He asked if we had met "him" the spirit that walked the landing of the second floor. Supposedly there was a person that had died in one of the rooms and his spirit would occasionally walk about.
*We had a guest who described herself as a "sensitive" and stated that there was a young girl spirit that was in her room the previous night. It was attached to a particular piece of furniture - hubs and I were taken aback as this piece of furniture was a family piece. Could it be the spirit of his younger sister that died as a child? We did an experiment by placing a pretty hair ribbon out, to see if the spirit would manipute the ribbon. No. Oh, well.
*One wonderful repeat guest came down one morning with a puzzled look on his face. He had experienced what he thought was a paranormal event the night before. He was sure he lowered the toilet seat during the night, but each time he visited the bathroom during the night, the seat was up. So we all decided to call this "The Ghost of the Bidet"