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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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... On waste.
We do our best to cut waste to a minimum. We don't like throwing money away any more than the next person. But when someone starts telling me to put breakfast leftovers out for later on because 'I reheat breakfast stuff all the time' I don't want to get into a whole song and dance about food safety and how is that going to look to everyone else?
Guest took it up with me and then Gomez and said we should leave the leftovers out tomorrow and the guest would heat them up for later. Not wrap them and put them in the fridge, just leave them out.
Thank you for the suggestion but Health Dept says only us in the kitchen and IRS says leftovers are trash.
They are nuts.
Guest wants the leftovers in the guest area! Leave them out with the tea things. Just waiting to see what tomorrow brings.
We asked what kind of coffee they are drinking. Don't make separate pots of decaf and reg!!! Make reg and lie to guest's spouse (who drinks decaf but won't know the diff, so make the one guest wants!)
Guest wants the leftovers in the guest area! Leave them out with the tea things. Just waiting to see what tomorrow brings.
We asked what kind of coffee they are drinking. Don't make separate pots of decaf and reg!!! Make reg and lie to guest's spouse (who drinks decaf but won't know the diff, so make the one guest wants!).
That sounds like a total idiot. A decaf person drinking regular could have serious problems as you well know. What a self-centered person.
LOL - why not scrape all the stuff off all the plates into one big container and set that out for mid - day snack? You know that leftover coffee no one drank? Leave that out til they drink it.
So helpful! If you're short on fruit, no worries. Take whatever one person doesn't eat and stick it on the next guest's plate.
I would say environmental health have a different opinion!
I think with as with many guest suggestions you have to say "thank you, we'll think about that".
All our food waste goes to the chickens, I tell guests I feed this mornings breakfast leftovers in one end and tomorrows breakfast comes out the other
I think with as with many guest suggestions you have to say "thank you, we'll think about that".
All our food waste goes to the chickens, I tell guests I feed this mornings breakfast leftovers in one end and tomorrows breakfast comes out the other
That's what we did at the retreat center I used to work at except it was pigs. They loved leftovers and the leftovers made great bacon! (We served breakfast, lunch, and dinner and did banquets.)